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Be Fore Commis S Ioning; Ope Ration; Note - Scheppach SG3500i Vertaling Van De Originele Gebruikershandleiding



Be fo re c o mmis s io ning
Ele c tric al s afe ty
Prior to us e , the powe r ge ne rator and its e le ctrical
e quipme nt (including line s and plug conne ctors) s hould
be che cke d to e ns ure that the re are no de fe cts .
Ne ve r conne ct the powe r ge ne rator to the mains (s ock-
e t).
The powe r line s to the cons ume r mus t be ke pt as s hort
as pos s ible .
Risk of fire and explosion!
When filling, fuel may ignite and even explode. This
c an le ad to s e ve re burns or de ath.
- Switch off the engine and let it cool down.
- Keep heat, flames and sparks away.
- Only fill up with fuel outdoors.
- We ar prote ctive glove s .
- Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
- S tart the de vice at a dis tance of at le as t 3 m from
the fuel filling point.
- Watch out for le aks . If pe trol is le aking, do not s tart
the e ngine .
He alth ha z ard!
Inhaling petrol/lubricant vapours may lead to severe
he alth damage , los s of cons cious ne s s and, in e xtre me
c as e s , to de ath.
- Do not inhale pe trol/lubric ant vapours .
- Operate the device outdoors only.


De vic e damag e
Us ing the de vice without or with too little e ngine and
ge arbox oil can re s ult in e ngine damage .
- Fill with petrol and oil before commissioning. The
de vice is s upplie d without e ngine and ge arbox oil.
Enviro nme ntal damag e !
Spilled oil can pollute the environment permanently.
The liquid is highly toxic and can quickly lead to water
- Fill/empty oil only on level, paved surfaces.
- Use a filling nozzle or funnel.
- Colle ct draine d oil in a s uitable containe r.
- Wipe up spilled oil carefully immediately and dis-
pos e of the cloth according to local re gulations .
- Dis pos e of oil as pe r local re gulations .
32 | GB
w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
Earthing (Fig . 3)
m Atte ntio n! Ele c tric s ho c k!
• Do not us e bare wire s for e arthing.
• Power generator must be safely earthed.
Earthing the housing is necessary to discharge static
charging. To do this , conne ct a cable on one s ide to
the e arth te rminal (16) of the powe r ge ne rator and on
the othe r s ide to an e xte rnal mas s ris ing pipe (e .g. rod
e arth).
Che c k be fo re o pe ratio n
• Che ck all s ide s of the e ngine for oil or fue l le aks .
• Che ck the e ngine oil le ve l.
• Check the fuel level – Fill with at least 2 litres of Su-
pe r E10 pe trol.
• Check the condition of the air filter.
• Che ck the condition of the fue l line s .
• Look for s igns of damage .
• Che ck that all prote ctive cove rs are in place and all
s cre ws are tighte ne d.
• Ensure that the device is sufficiently ventilated.
• Make s ure that the s park plug conne ctor is attache d
to the s park plug (23).
• Disconnect any connected electrical devices from
the powe r ge ne rator.
Top up oil (Fig. 7 + 8)
m Atte ntio n!
The po we r g e ne rato r is de live re d witho ut e ng ine
o il. The re fo re , e ns ure that yo u add o il be fo re s tart-
ing it up. Us e 15W40 o il he re .
Check the oil level regularly before commissioning. An
oil le ve l that is too low can damage the e ngine .
Place the powe r ge ne rator on a le ve l, e ve n s ur-
face .
Remove the engine cover (3) by unscrewing the
two s cre ws with a Phillips s cre wdrive r (not includ-
ed in the scope of delivery).
Uns cre w the oil dips tick (20).
Fill the tank with engine oil using a funnel (17).
Note the max. filling capacity of 400 ml. Carefully
fill the oil up to the lower edge of the filling port.
Wipe the oil dips tick (20) with a cle an, lint-fre e
Re -ins e rt the oil dips tick (20) and che ck the oil le v-
e l without s cre wing the dips tick tight again.
The oil le ve l mus t be within the middle mark on
the oil dips tick.
If the oil le ve l is too low, add the re comme nde d
amount of oil (max. 400 ml).
The n s cre w the oil dips tick (20) in again.
10. Put the engine cover (3) on and fix in place by
re tighte ning the two s cre ws .
Refill with fuel
m Atte ntio n!
The po we r g e ne rato r is de live re d witho ut pe tro l. It
is therefore essential to fill with petrol before com-
mis s io ning . Us e S upe r E10 pe tro l fo r this .
Unscrew the tank filler cap (2) and fill a maximum
of 6.3 l S upe r E10 pe trol into the tank containe r
us ing the funne l (17).
Ensure that the tank is not overfilled (observe the
fill level marking (26) ) and that no petrol is spilled.
Use a fuel filter insert (25). Cle an up s pille d pe trol
immediately and wait until the fuel vapours have
evaporated (wipe dry).
Clos e the tank cove r (2).
Re fue l in a we ll-ve ntilate d are a with the e ng ine
s to ppe d.
If the e ng ine was in o pe ratio n imme diate ly be fo re ,
allow it to cool first. Ne ve r re fue l the e ng ine in a
building whe re the pe tro l vapo ur may c o me into
contact with flames or sparks.
Petrol is highly inflammable and explosive. Whe n
handling fuels, you may suffer burns or other se-
ve re injurie s .
Ope ratio n
m Atte ntio n!
Always make s ure the de vic e is fully as s e mble d
be fo re c o mmis s io ning !
Starting the engine (Fig.
+ 6)
m Atte ntio n! Dang e r o f po is o ning !
Only use the device outdoors and never in closed or
poorly ventilated rooms.
Set the ventilation on the tank cover (2) to "ON".
Set the on/off switch (11) to the "RUN" position.
No te : The energy saving switch (10) must be set to
w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
Whe n the e ng ine is c o ld
Atte ntio n! Ne ve r allow the pull s tarte r (5) to whip
back. This can re s ult in damage .
Set the on/off switch (11) to the "CHOKE" position.
Now pull the pull s tarte r (5) and the e ngine s hould
s tart. If the e ngine doe s not s tart, re pe at the pro -
ce s s .
Move the on/off switch (11) from the "CHOKE" po-
sition to the "RUN" position after starting the en-
gine (afte r approx. 15 -30 s e conds). (Fig. 6)
If the e ngine doe s not s tart e ve n afte r s e ve ral at-
tempts, read the "Troubleshooting" chapter.
No te :
If the engine is being started for the first time, several
trie s are re quire d to s tart until the fue l has be e n de liv-
e re d from the tank to the e ngine .
No te : With high outside temperatures, it may be nec-
essary to start the power generator without the choke
e ve n whe n the e ngine is cold!
Whe n the e ng ine is warm
Set the on/off switch (11) to the "RUN" position.
Now pull the pull starter (5) quickly. The de vice
s hould s tart afte r a maximum of 2 pulls . If the
de vice has s till not s tarte d, re pe at the proce dure
described under "Starting the engine when cold".
Shutting the engine off
Allow the powe r ge ne rator to run for a s hort time (ap-
prox. 30 seconds) without load before switching it off so
that it can "cool down".
Set the on/off switch (11) to the "OFF" position.
Dis conne ct the powe r cons ume rs from the de vice .
Set the ventilation on the tank cover (2) to "OFF".
Ope rating dis play (6) (Fig . 3)
The operating display (6) is active when the engine is
Ove rlo ad indic ato r (7) (Fig . 3)
The ove rload prote ction be come s active if the powe r
consumption is too high and switches off the 230 V ~
s ocke ts (13).
Switch the device off as described in section 9.2.
Dis conne ct the powe r cons ume rs from the de vice .
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