"RES ET" butto n (12) (Fig . 3)
If the ove rload prote ction has be e n trigge re d and the
overload indicator (7) lights up red, the "RESET" button
(12) can re s tore the output powe r of the powe r ge n-
e rator/inve rte r. It is then not necessary to restart the
e ngine .
Press and hold the "RESET" button (12) for 1 sec-
ond until the light (re d) is e xtinguis he d and the op-
e ration indicator (6) (gre e n) illuminate s .
If the overload protection has not tripped, the "RESET"
button (12) has no effect.
Oil warning indic ato r (8) (Fig . 3)
The indicator activate s whe n the oil le ve l is too low and
deactivates as soon as the oil level is sufficient.
Automatic oil cut-off
The automatic oil cutoff system responds when there
is too little e ngine oil. The oil warning indicator (8)
starts flashing when there is too little oil in the engine.
The indicator lamp s tarts to light up whe n the oil quan-
tity has not reached the safety quantity. The e ngine
switches itself off after a short time. It is not pos s ible
to start the engine until the engine oil has been filled
(s e e chapte r 8.2).
The indicator activate s whe n the oil le ve l is too low and
deactivates as soon as the oil level is sufficient.
If the oil le ve l is too low, the oil warning indicator (8)
lights up during the s tart atte mpt. Top up e ngine oil as
de s cribe d in 8.2 and re pe at the s tarting proce dure .
Ene rg y s aving s witc h (10) (Fig . 3)
To re duce the fue l cons umption whe n idle , move the
energy saving switch (10) to the "ON" position.
The energy saving switch (10) must be switched off
whe n e le ctrical de vice s that re quire a high s tarting cur-
re nt are conne cte d, for e xample a compre s s or. Eve n
when the power generator is started, the energy saving
switch must be initially set to "OFF".
US B c o nne c tio n (9) (Fig . 3)
This powe r ge ne rator is e quippe d with two US B con-
ne ctions . The s e can be us e d to charge s martphone s
for e xample .
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9.10 Charg ing e xte rnal de vic e s (Fig . 3)
Dang e r due to inc o rre c t c harg ing .
Plug the adapte r cable with 12 V te rminals (19) into
the 12 V DC conne ction (14) provide d for this .
If the 12 V DC safety release (15) has been tripped,
the 12 V DC safety release (15) can restore the
output powe r of the inve rte r powe r ge ne rator.
Press and hold the 12 V DC safety release button
(15) for 1 s e cond.
If the 12 V DC safety release (15) has not been
triggered, the 12 V DC safety release (15) is in-
10. Cle aning and mainte nanc e
Before carrying out any cleaning or maintenance work,
switch off the engine and remove the spark plug con-
ne ctor (24) from the s park plug (23).
ATTENTION! Dang e r o f burning ! Wait until the de -
vice has coole d down be fore pe rforming cle aning or
mainte nance work.
10.1 Cle aning
Ke e p prote ctive de vice s , air ve nts and the motor hous -
ing as fre e of dus t and dirt as pos s ible . Rub the de vice
clean with a clean cloth or blow it off with compressed
air at low pre s s ure . We recommend that you clean the
device directly after every use.
Cle an the de vice at re gular inte rvals us ing a damp
cloth and a little s oft s oap. Do not use any cleaning
products or solvents; they could attack the plastic parts
of the de vice . Make s ure that no wate r can pe ne trate
the de vice inte rior.
10.2 Mainte nanc e
Always wear protective gloves and a mask during
mainte nance work!
10.2.1 Che c king the o il le ve l
Proce e d as de s cribe d in 8.2.
10.2.2 Changing oil (Fig. 7 + 8)
Change the e ngine oil afte r 20 ope rating hours , the n
after 50 hours or every three months.
The e ngine oil change s hould be carrie d out while the
e ngine is at ope rating te mpe rature .
Place the powe r ge ne rator on a le ve l, e ve n s ur-
face .
Re move the e ngine cove r (3) as de s cribe d in 8.2.
(Fig. 7)
Provide a colle ction containe r (not include d in the
scope of delivery).
Ope n the oil dips tick (20) and drain warm e ngine
oil into the collection container by tilting the power
ge ne rator.
Fill up with new engine oil (approx. 0.35 l).
S cre w the oil dips tick (20) in again.
Dispose of the used oil properly.
10.2.3 Air filter (Fig. 9 + 0)
Ris k o f damag e !
Operating the engine without a filter element or with
a damaged filter element can cause engine damage.
- Never run the engine without the air filter element or
with a damaged filter element. This would allow dirt
into the e ngine , which would re s ult in s e ve re dam-
age to the e ngine .
Clean the air filter (22) every 50 operating hours, re-
place if necessary.
Remove the engine cover (3) (Fig. 7).
Remove the air filter cover by pressing the fasten-
ing tabs on the s ide .
Remove the air filter (22).
Do not us e hars h cle ane rs or pe trol to cle an the
Clean the elements by knocking them out on a flat
s urface . If heavily soiled, wash with soapy water,
then rinse with clean water and allow to air dry.
The reassembly takes place in reverse order.
10.2.4 Spark plug (Fig.
+ 2)
m ATTENTION: Only re plac e the s park plug whe n
the e ng ine is c o ld!
Check the spark plug (22) for contamination for the first
time afte r 20 ope rating hours and cle an it with a coppe r
wire brush if necessary. The n maintain the s park plug
(22) every 50 operating hours.
Ope n the s park plug cove r (4).
Pull off the spark plug connector (2 ) with a twist-
ing motion.
Re move the s park plug (23) with the e nclos e d
s park plug wre nch (18).
Remove any dirt from the base of the spark plug
w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
Visually inspect the spark plug (23). Remove any
de pos its pre s e nt us ing a wire brus h.
Che ck the s park plug gap. S e t the e le ctrode gap to
0.6 to 0.7 mm with a fe e le r gauge .
The reassembly takes place in reverse order.
A loos e s park plug can ove rhe at and caus e damage
to the e ngine . Tighte ning the s park plug too much can
damage the thread in the cylinder head.
10.2.5 Clean the fuel filter insert (Fig. 3 + 4)
No te : The fuel filter insert (25) is a filter cup which is
located directly under the tank cover (2) and filters all
the fuel filled in.
Set the on/off switch (11) to the "OFF" position.
Ope n the tank cove r (2).
Remove the fuel filter insert (25) and the fill level
marking (26). Clean it in a nonflammable solvent
or a solvent with a high flash point.
Reinsert the fuel filter insert (25) with the fill level
marking (26).
Clos e the tank cove r (2).
Ple as e pro vide the fo llo wing info rmatio n in the
e ve nt o f any e nquirie s :
• Machine data type plate
• Engine data type plate
Impo rtant no te in the c as e o f re pairs :
For return delivery of the device for repair, please en-
sure for safety reasons that it is free of oil and fuel when
it is s e nt to the s e rvice ce ntre .
10.3 Orde ring s pare parts
Ple as e provide the following information whe n orde ring
re place me nt parts :
• Device type
• De vice article numbe r
S e rvic e info rmatio n
With this product, it is necessary to note that the follow-
ing parts are subject to natural or usagerelated wear,
or that the following parts are re quire d as cons umable s .
Wearing parts*: Spark plug, air filter
* may not be included in the scope of delivery!
S pare parts and acce s s orie s can be obtaine d from our
s e rvice ce ntre . To do this , s can the QR code on the
cove r page .
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