Pro pe r us e
The powe r ge ne rator is s uitable for de vice s that are
inte nde d to ope rate on a 230 V AC or 12 V DC voltage
s ource .
With hous e hold de vice s and e le ctronic de vice s , ple as e
check the suitability according to the respective manu-
facturer's specifications.
Atte ntio n! The powe r ge ne rator mus t not be conne ct-
ed to the mains supply as a domestic emergency power
supply. It can caus e damage to the powe r ge ne rator or
othe r e le ctrical de vice s .
The machine may only be used in the intended manner.
Any use beyond this is improper. The us e r/ope rator, not
the manufacturer, is responsible for damages or inju-
ries of any type resulting from this.
An e le me nt of the inte nde d us e is als o the obs e rvance
of the safety instructions, as well as the assembly in-
s tructions and ope rating information in the ope rating
Pe rs ons who ope rate and maintain the machine mus t
be familiar with it and mus t be informe d about pote ntial
dange rs .
In addition, the applicable accide nt pre ve ntion re gula-
tions must be strictly observed.
Other general occupational health and safetyrelated
rule s and re gulations mus t be obs e rve d.
The liability of the manufacturer and resulting damages
are excluded in the event of modifications of the ma-
chine .
Ple as e note that our e quipme nt was not de s igne d with
the inte ntion of us e for comme rcial or indus trial purpos -
e s . We as s ume no guarante e if the de vice is us e d in
comme rcial or indus trial applications , or for e quivale nt
Ge ne ral s afe ty ins truc tio ns
We have marke d points in the ope rating manual that
impact your safety with this symbol: m
Furthermore, the operating manual contains other
important te xt s e ctions that are marke d with the word
28 | GB
w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
m Atte ntio n!
When using equipment, several safety warnings must
be observed to prevent injuries and damage. For this
reason, please carefully read this operating manual /
safety instructions. If the de vice is hande d ove r to an-
other person, hand over the operating and safety in-
s tructions with it. We accept no liability for accidents
or damage that occur due to a failure to obs e rve this
manual and the safety instructions.
A failure to obs e rve the s e ins tructions pos e s an e x-
tre me dange r of de ath or the ris k of life -thre ate ning
A failure to obs e rve the s e ins tructions pos e s a dange r
of death or the risk of serious injuries.
A failure to obs e rve the s e ins tructions pos e s a minor to
moderate danger of injury.
A failure to obs e rve the s e ins tructions pos e s a ris k of
damage to the engine or other property.
It is prohibited to make any modifications to the
powe r ge ne rator.
The manufacture r's pre s e t s pe e d mus t not be
change d. Powe r ge ne rators or conne cte d de vice s
may be damaged.
Dange r of pois oning! Exhaus t gas e s , fue l and lu-
bricants are poisonous, exhaust gases may not be
inhale d.
Fire risk! Petrol and fuel vapours are highly flam-
mable and e xplos ive .
Motor e xhaus t gas e s are toxic. The powe r ge ne r-
ator mus t not be ope rate d in unve ntilate d rooms . If
the ge ne rator is to be ope rate d in we ll-ve ntilate d
rooms , the e xhaus t gas e s mus t be dis charge d di-
rectly outside via an exhaust gas hose. Additional
requirements for protection against fire and explo-
s ion mus t als o be obs e rve d. Toxic e xhaus t gas e s
can als o e s cape whe n ope rating an e xhaus t hos e .
Because of the risk of fire, the exhaust hose must
never be directed at flammable materials.
Ne ve r ope rate the powe r ge ne rator in rooms with
highly flammable substances.
Hot surfaces! Dange r of burning, do not touch s uc-
tion system and drive unit.
Do not touch any mechanically moving or hot
parts . Do not remove any protective covers.
Prote ctive e quipme nt! Us e s uitable he aring pro -
tection when you are near the device.
10. Only original parts may be used for maintenance
and acce s s orie s .
11. Repair and adjustment work may only be carried
out by authorised specialist personnel.
12. Protect yourself from electrical hazards.
13. Ne ve r touch the powe r ge ne rator with we t hands .
14. Only use approved and appropriately identified ex-
tension cables for use outdoors (H07RN).
15. If e xte ns ion le ads or mobile dis tribution ne tworks
are us e d, the re s is tance value mus t not e xce e d 1.5
Ω. As a guide line value , the total le ngth of line s
for a cros s -s e ction of 1.5 mm² s hould not e xce e d
60 m, and for a cros s -s e ction of 2.5 mm², 100 m
s hould not be e xce e de d.
16. Ne ve r ope rate the powe r ge ne rator during rain or
s nowfall.
17. Always switch off the engine during transport and
re fue lling.
18. Fuel is combustible and highly flammable. Do fue l
the unit during ope ration. Do not fue l the unit whe n
someone is smoking or near open flames. Do not
spill any fuel.
19. Do not refuel or empty the tank near open light, fire
or flying sparks. S moking prohibite d!
20. Do not us e the powe r ge ne rator in a thunde rs torm.
- Dang e r o f lig htning s trike !
21. Give the powe r ge ne rator a s e cure , le ve l place .
Turning and tilting or changing location during op-
e ration are forbidde n.
22. Place the power generator at least
m away from
walls or conne cte d de vice s .
23. Children must be protected by ensuring that they
stay a safe distance away from the inverter power
ge ne rator.
24. S ome parts of the re ciprocating inte rnal com-
bustion motor are hot and may cause burns. The
warnings on the ge ne rator mus t be obs e rve d.
25. Values specified in the technical data under sound
powe r le ve l (LWA) and s ound pre s s ure le ve l (LpA)
represent emission levels and are not necessarily
s afe working le ve ls . S ince the re is a corre lation
be twe e n e mis s ion and e xpos ure le ve ls , it cannot
be reliably used to determine any additional pre-
cautionary measures that may be required.
w w w.s c he ppac h.c o m
Factors influencing the current exposure level of
the worke r include the characte ris tics of the work-
s pace , othe r nois e s ource s , airborne nois e , e tc.,
such as the number of machines and other adja-
ce nt proce s s e s and the le ngth of time an ope rator
is e xpos e d to the nois e . The pe rmitte d e xpos ure
level may also vary from country to country. Ne v-
e rthe le s s , this information will e nable the ope ra-
tor of the machine to make a be tte r as s e s s me nt
of the ris ks and hazards . If necessary, acoustical
me as ure me nts s hould be take n afte r ins tallation to
de te rmine the s ound pre s s ure le ve l.
26. Warning! Comply with the electrical safety regu-
lations applicable to the place whe re the inve rte r
powe r ge ne rators are us e d.
27. Warning! Cons ide r the re quire me nts and pre cau-
tionary measures in case of resupply of a system
by inverter power generators depending on the
protective measures of this system and the appli-
cable dire ctive s .
28. Inverter power generators should only be used up
to the ir rate d powe r unde r the rate d ambie nt con-
ditions . If the inve rte r powe r ge ne rator is us e d in
conditions that do not comply with the reference
conditions according to IS O 8528 -8:2016, 7.1,
and if the cooling of the e ngine or ge ne rator is im-
paire d, e .g. as a re s ult of ope ration in re s tricte d
are as , a re duction in powe r is re quire d.
29. Due to high mechanical loads, only durable rubber
hos e line s (according to IEC 60245 -4) or e quiva-
le nt e quipme nt s hould be us e d.
30. Observe the electrical safety regulations applica-
ble to the place whe re the powe r ge ne rator/inve rt-
e r is us e d.
31. Consider the requirements and precautionary
measures in case of resupply of a system by in-
ve rte r powe r ge ne rators de pe nding on the prote c-
tive measures of this system and the applicable
dire ctive s .
GB | 29