Functionality of the motion detection:
There are two settings to set up the motion detection: Sensitivity and Percentage.
The figure explains how these two parameters influence the motion detection.
Starting in frame A a movement in frame B takes place.. The resulting pixel changes is marked grey shown in
frame C (depending on the sensitivity). The setting Sensitivity refers to the ability of the camera to recognize
changes in the different pixels. The higher this value the more pixel changes are recognized. In frame D the
by the sensitivity settings triggered pixels are marked pink. The threshold value Percentage describes the
proportion of triggered pixels to all pixels within the motion detection window. If the defined percentage of
triggered pixels is reached alarm is triggered.
For applications that require a high level of security management, it is suggested to use higher sensitivity
settings and smaller percentage values.
<URL> http://< network camera >/setup/motion.html
<network camera> is the IP-address or hostname of the network camera.
11. Tampering detection
The network camera supports tampering detection. With tamper detection a alarm is triggered wich can used
as event in „Application".
„Enable camera tempering detection" The guard option for tempering is activated.
„Trigger duration" Defines the waiting time until next tempering is detected.
The following tempering events are monitored:
<URL> http://< network camera >/setup/tampering.html
<network camera> is the IP-address or hostname of the network camera.
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