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Here you can start or stop manual recording to the HDD. The path to save the recording can be set in „Client
Adjust volume
Here you can adjust the volume for audio output.
Audio on/off
As long as this button is pressed audio signals from the PC to the network camera are transmitted.
Mic volume
Klicken Sie auf das Symbol, um manuell den Pegel für den Audioeingang der Netzwerkkamera anzupassen.
Here you can mute the audio input of the network camera.
Full Screen
Here you can activate full screen display of the live stream.
5.2 Customer settings
The here changed settings are stored on the local computer. Following setting can be changed:
MPEG-4 Media Options: Here you can deactivate the audio or video function.
MPEG-4 Protocol Options: Here you can select between three protocols in order to optimize the connection
between camera and PC. You can choose between: UDP, TCP, HTTP.
The UDP protocol is the fastest one in order to transmit realtime audio and video stream. The disadvantage of
this protocol is that due to the large data transmission data packages are lost. The images could be blurred as
a sequence of this. The UPD protocol is recommended for situations without any special requirements.
The TCP protocol is compared to the UPD protocol more accurate and secures a better live image
performance. The disadvantage is the frame rate is lower compared to the UDP protocol.
Please choose HTTP protocol if your network is secured through a firewall. In this case only HTTP port (80)
could used.
Following order is recommended: UDP – TCP – HTTP
MP4 Saving Options: Here you can change the path for recordings. The button „Add date and time suffix to
file name" creates following file names:
File name suffix_YearMonthDay-HourMinuteSecond.MP4
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