What to do when something doesn't
DANGER! Risk of injury! Unpro-
fessional repairs may mean that
your unit will no longer operate
safely. This endangers you and
your environment.
Function and Error messages self-checking list
Mower outside working
No Boundary signal
Wheel motor blocked
Blade disc blocked
Obstruction sensors trig-
ger not recovered
Malfunctions are often caused by minor
faults. You can easily remedy most of these
yourself. Please consult the following table
before contacting the vendor. You will save
yourself a lot of trouble and possibly money
– Check whether the mower inside the working area.
If it was.
– Check whether the charging base is properly con-
nected to the charger and the charger is connected
to a suitable power supply,if they are properly con-
nected, the boundary wires are clamped incorrectly
and must be reversed.
– If mower inside working area, check the charging
station LED light, if it turns red, it means that the
boundary wire was not well connected to the clamps
on the charging base. If it was well connected to the
clamps and the LED light still turns red, check
whether the boundary wire is interrupted.
– Turn mower off; take mower to an area free of obsta-
– Turn mower on. Press [START] then [OK].
– If the error message is still displayed, turn power off;
turn mower upside-down and check if there has
something preventing the wheels from rotating.
– Remove any obstruction, turn mower upright, turn
power on. Press [START] then [OK].
– Turn mower off.
– Turn mower upside down and check if there has
something preventing the blade disc to rotating.
– Remove any obstruction.
– Turn mower upright and take it to an area with short
grass or adjust the cutting height.
– Turn mower on. Press [START] then [OK].
– Turn mower off.
– Take mower to an area in your lawn free of obstacles
– Remove the floating cover and check the cylindrical
magnet on the floating cover. If there is no magnet,
replace the floating cover.
– Turn power on. Press [START] then [OK].