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medi Ankle
sport brace
Intended purpose
medi Ankle sport brace is an adjustable
ankle brace for stabilisation in one
For all indications which require
immobilisation of the upper or lower
ankle in one plane, such as:
• Chronic ligament instability in the
upper and lower ankle
• After sprains (e.g. supination injuries)
• As a preventative measure after
supination injuries, particularly
for sports
• Mild injury to the syndesmotic


None known at present.
Risks / Side Effects
If the aids are too tight, this can cause
local pressure sores or constriction of
blood vessels or nerves. Therefore you
should consult the doctor treating you
before you use it if the following
circumstances apply to you:
• Condition or injury of the skin in the
area of application, particularly with
infectious indications (excessive heat,
swelling or reddening)
• Paraesthesia and circulatory disorders
(e.g. as seen in diabetes, varicose veins)
• Lymph drainage disorders – equally,
swelling of soft tissue adjacent to the
area of application which is not related
to a condition
When wearing snug-fitting aids, this can
result in localised skin inflammation or
irritation that is due to mechanical
irritation of the skin (particularly in
conjunction with sweating) or due to the
composition of the material.
Intended patient groups
Healthcare professionals should provide
care to the adults and children, applying
the available information on the
measurements/sizes and necessary
functions/indications and in line with
the information provided by the
manufacturer, and acting under their
own responsibility.
Note on wearing
The brace has the greatest impact when
it is used in conjunction with physical
activity. In principle, this product can be
worn for the whole day. However, the
wearer should wear the brace as they
deem necessary. The brace should be
removed for long sedentary periods (i.e.
if you are sitting down for a long time,
driving or sleeping).
Putting on / taking off
• Undo all straps and loosen the
fastenings of the brace so that you can
place your foot into it easily (Fig. 1)
• Take hold of the top of the brace on
both sides and pull it over your foot
until the heel opening is in the correct
position. The ankle joint should be
centred in the space between the
stabilising shells (Fig. 2)
• Now tie up the brace, going from top
to bottom, as you would a shoe (Fig.3)
• Now take the longer outer strap. Pull it
over the arch of your foot (instep) to
the inside of your foot and then feed it


