The ECU is compatible with the following energy
1. Siemens PAC2200:
n Indirect measurement via a transducer (5 A):
n 7KM2200-2EA30-1JA1 (with MID approval)
n 7KM2200-2EA30-1EA1 (without MID ap-
n 7KM2200-2EA00-1JB1 (with MID approval)
n Direct measurement (up to 65 A)
n 7KM2200-2EA40-1JA1 (with MID approval)
n 7KM2200-2EA40-1EA1 (without MID ap-
n 7KM2200-2EA40-1JB1 (with MID approval)
2. Phoenix EEM-MB371-EIP 2907976:
This energy meter also allows the direct connection
of Rogowski coils. The energy meter must be con-
figured as a Modbus TCP slave.
3. Kostal Smart Energy Meter 10507524:
This requires the setting "Modbus TQ EM300-LR
(TCP)" in the web interface (parameter "Meter con-
figuration (Second)"). The energy meter also must
be configured as a Modbus TCP slave.
4. TQ Energy Manager EM 420-LLRR:
This requires the setting "Modbus TQ EM410/
EM420 (TCP)" in the web interface (parameter
"Meter configuration (Second)"). The energy meter
also must be configured as a Modbus TCP slave.
5. Janitza UMG 605 (PRO):
This requires the setting "Modbus Janitza UMG
605 PRO (TCP)" in the web interface (parameter
"Meter configuration (Second)"). The energy meter
also must be configured as a Modbus TCP slave
and the Client-ID of the energy meter must be set
to "2".
Installation and networking
Networking between the energy meter and the
charging station takes place via a direct connection
or via a switch / router.
The external energy meter can be placed in such a
way that only the external consumers are measured
or that the external consumers and the charging
station(s) are measured.
Energy meter measures external consumers only
DLM Master
Fig. 15: Energy meter measures external consumers
DLM Master: Charging station that takes on the co-
ordination function in dynamic load management
Switch / router
Fuse F2
Fuse F3
meter M1
Main fuse F1
Electrical network