Permanently connected charging cable with type
2 charging connector
This can be used to charge all vehicles with a type
2 charging plug. A separate charging cable is not
Type 2 charging socket with hinged lid for use
with separate charging cable
This can be used to charge all vehicles with a type
2 or type 1 charging plug (depending on the char-
ging cable used).
Type 2 charging socket with shutter for use with
separate charging cable
Only available for the product variants Profes-
sional(+) E (3.7 / 11) (7.4 / 22).
The shutter provides additional protection against
electric shock and is legally prescribed in some
1 "2.2 Intended use" [} 4]
This can be used to charge all vehicles with a type
2 or type 1 charging plug (depending on the char-
ging cable used).
All charging cables from MENNEKES can be found
on our website under "Portfolio" > "Charging
1 "1.1 Website" [} 3]