Frequency of in-service tests TMV3*
In the absence of any other instruction or guidance on
the means of determining the appropriate frequency of
in-service testing, the following procedure may be used:
1. 6 to 8 weeks after commissioning carry out the tests
given in 2. on page 76.
12 to 15 weeks after commissioning carry out the
tests given in 2. on page 76.
Depending on the results of 1. and 4. several pos-
sibilities exist:
a) If no significant changes (e.g. < 1 K) in mixed
water temperatures are recorded between com-
missioning and 1., or between commissioning
and 4. the next in-service test can be deferred
to 24 to 28 weeks after commissioning.
If small changes (e.g. 1 to 2 K) in mixed water
temperatures are recorded in only one of these
periods, necessitating adjustment of the mixed
water temperature, then the next in-service test
can be deferred to 24 to 28 weeks after com-
If small changes (e.g. 1 to 2 K) in mixed water
temperatures are recorded in both of these
periods, necessitating adjustment of the mixed
water temperature, then the next in-service test
should be carried out at 18 to 21 weeks after
If significant changes (e.g. > 2 K) in mixed
water temperatures are recorded in either of
these periods, necessitating service work, then
the next in-service test should be carried out at
18 to 21 weeks after commissioning.
The general principle to be observed after the first
2 or 3 in-service tests is that the intervals of future
tests should be set to those which previous tests
have shown can be achieved with no more than a
small change in mixed water temperature.
*TMV2: The frequency of performing the in-
service tests is 1 year maximum.
Thermostatic Adjustment
Temperature Limitation
The temperature is limited by the safety stop to 40°C.
If a higher temperature is required, it is possible to over
ride the safety stop by depressing the safety button.
NB. It is recommended that for private domestic use the
maximum mixed water temperature be set at the follow-
ing factory set values:
Shower Mixer 43°C
Bath/Shower 43°C
Temperatures can be set by following the procedures
on page 64. This ensures that after correct installation
the outlet temperature of the water can never exceed
To guarantee a smooth running of the thermostatic
element, it is necessary from time to time to turn the
thermostat from total hot to total cold. The thermostatic
mixer valve should be checked annually by a qualified
person to ensure correct operation.
The mixer is fitted with check valves (page 72 pos.
92594000 / 97350000) and filters (page 72 pos
98282000). If the water flow drops the filters need to
be cleaned. For that purpose please follow the steps
1 - 16 on page 66.
Calibrating Thermostat
If the temperature reading is different to the showering
temperature, follow the steps 1 - 3 on page 64.