The product is not intended for use by debilitated persons who have received no special training.
Keep the product out of reach of children.
Dust produced by grinding, sanding, cutting and drilling can contain dangerous chemicals. Some
examples are: lead or lead-based paints; brick, concrete and other masonry products, natural
stone and other products containing silicates; certain types of wood, such as oak, beech and
chemically treated wood; asbestos or materials that contain asbestos. Determine the exposure of
the operator and bystanders by means of the hazard classification of the materials to be worked.
Implement the necessary measures to restrict exposure to a safe level, for example by the use of a
dust collection system or by the wearing of suitable respiratory protection. The general measures
for reducing exposure include:
working in an area that is well ventilated,
avoidance of prolonged contact with dust,
directing dust away from the face and body,
wearing protective clothing and washing exposed areas of the skin with water and soap.
The user and the other persons in the vicinity must wear eye protection, a hard hat, ear protection
and breathing protection while the product is in use.
Risk of injury by falling tools and/or accessories. Before starting work, check that the battery and
installed accessories are secure.
Keep the air vents clear at all times. Risk of burn injuries due to blocked air vents!
Switch the product on only after you have brought it to the working position.
Wait until the product stops completely before you lay it down.
Do not attach a belt hook to this product.
Do not touch the metal head while the product is running because the head is hot.
Do not touch the hot cut area after cutting the material.
The saw blade or other metal parts can be hot or have sharp edges. Wear protective gloves when
changing the saw blade, cleaning the chip collection bag, and cleaning the vents.
Do not hold the workpiece by hand, but use a vise or similar to prevent it from moving during cutting.
If the workpiece moves or vibrates, the operation becomes unstable and cannot be controlled.
Stop the operation immediately and secure the workpiece correctly, otherwise the blade will be
damaged and serious injury can result.
Secure the workpiece to prevent the off-cut from falling and causing injury.
Metal chips and sparks from the cutting operation can damage the surroundings or cause a fire.
Hot metal chips can melt the material of the chip collection bag. Do not operate the product near
flammable or fragile items.
When working at height, it is recommended to install the chip collection bag. Hot chips can fly out
and fall, burning the operators and bystanders.
Do not use a damaged chip collection bag. Fragments of the saw blade or sawdust could fall out
of the chip collection bag and cause injuries.
When working at height, make sure there is no-one below. Off-cuts, material or products dropped
could cause an accident.
Make sure no abnormal sounds or vibrations occur during operation. Operation when abnormal
sounds or vibrations are perceptible can damage the blade, resulting in serious injury.
Metal chips are sharp and can cause injuries. Wear snug-fitting clothing to prevent chips from
getting inside gloves, shoes, or elsewhere.
Kickback - causes and safety instructions
• Kickback is the sudden reaction occurring when the saw blade snags, jams or is out of alignment,
causing uncontrolled movement of the power tool away from the workpiece and toward the