6. ecoSMART e-SOURCE source manager
This section contains the information necessary to browse through and configure the parameters of the e-SOURCE source manager.
6.1. Main screen guide
The main screen of the application contains a series of fields with information about heat pump operation.
Main brine pump
6.1.1. Active components
This field displays the main components that are activated. In addition, a consumption bar is shown for the fan, modulating circulator
pumps and valves.
Main brine pump activated
Geothermal source activated (source 1)
Aerothermal source activated (source 2)
Groundwater source activated (source 3)
Defrost activated
6.1.2. Operating modes
This field displays icons that indicate the current operating mode of the e-SOURCE.
Heat absorption mode
The set of sources is supplying heat to the primary circuit (direct cycle) of the heat pump / heat pump block.
It also indicates the inlet and outlet temperatures of the set of sources.
Heat dissipation mode
The set of sources is supplying heat to the secondary circuit (direct cycle) or to the primary circuit (inverted
cycle) of the heat pump/heat pump block. It also indicates the inlet and outlet temperatures of the set of
The unit is initialising.
The unit is on, with no alarms, and awaiting a source activation command.
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Figure 6.1. Description of the main screen.
Control applications manual
ecoSMART e-SOURCE source manager
Date and time
Brine source collector
Activated sources