Tables and tips
Settings table
Meat / Poultry
Beef steak, medium*
Roast neck of pork
(without bone)
Médaillon of pork**
Cutlet of pork or veal,
Turkey steak
Chicken breast fillet
Beef or chicken stir fry,
Turkey breast stir fry****
Minced meat
For example entrecôte, fillet steak, rump steak. The steak is medium, when meat juices
Press the pieces of meat flat onto the frying surface, turn frequently.
Use plenty of oil to avoid the breadcrumbs drying out and burning.
**** Keep the pieces of meat apart.
All manuals and user guides at
These values are to be regarded as guidelines only.
The frying times apply to a preheated appliance and
will depend on the quality and the amount of the
Wait until the appliance has heated up before placing
the food on the frying surface.
sear at 230 - 240 °C
continue at 180 °C
210 - 220 °C
170 - 180 °C
190 - 200 °C
210 - 220 °C
180 - 190 °C
200 - 210 °C
180 - 190 °C
230 - 240 °C
180 - 190 °C
Quantity / Thickness
2 - 3 min. each side approx. 2 cm
5 - 7 min.
15 - 20 min.
13 - 17 min.
10 - 13 min.
8 - 15 min.
15 - 20 min.
8 - 10 min
7 - 9 min.
9 - 11 min.
13 - 16 min.
approx. 2 cm
max. 2 cm
0,5 - 1 cm
1 - 1,5 cm
2,5 - 3 cm
600 - 700 g
600 - 700 g
approx. 600 g
max. 1 cm