Do not stock packed products on top of each other.
5. Storage
Surroundings should be suffi ciently clean, dry and free from corro-
sive media and excessive vibrations (v
age to bearings (excessive vibration should also be guarded during
transit, even if within wider range) and ambient storage temperature
should be 0 ÷ +40 °C with peaks of - 20 °C and + 50 °C. Always
protect the motor from humidity.
Every six months rotate the shafts (some revolutions are suffi cient;
release the brake in case of brake motor) to prevent damage to bear-
ings and seal rings.
Assuming normal surroundings and the provision of adequate pro-
tection during transit, the unit is protected for storage up to 1 year.
For a 2 year storing period in normal surroundings it is necessary to
generously grease the sealings, the shafts and the unpainted ma-
chined surfaces, if any.
For storages longer than 2 years or in aggressive surroundings or
outdoors, consult Rossi.
6. Installation
Before the installation, verify that:
– there were no damages during the storing or the transport;
– design is suitable to the environment (temperature, atmosphere, etc.);
– electrical connection (power supply, etc.) corresponds to motor
name plate data;
– used mounting position corresponds to the one stated in name
– the motor has not been exposed to humidity (check insulation re-
sistance, see ch. 6.2).
Attention! For lifting and transporting the motor use the
motor eyebolts (when provided) keeping in mind that these
are suitable only for lifting the motor and not other machines
fi tted to it; be sure that load is properly balanced and provide lifting
systems, and cables of adequate section. If necessary, motor mass-
es are stated in Rossi technical catalogs.
6.1. Mechanical installation
Be sure that the structure on which motor is fi tted is plane, levelled
and suffi ciently dimensioned in order to assure fi tting stability and
absence of vibration induced on the motor itself (vibration speed v
≤ 3,5 mm/s for P
≤ 15 kW and v
ceptable), keeping in mind all transmitted forces due to the masses,
to the torque, to the radial and axial loads.
When using tapped holes for motor fi xing (B14 fl ange) carefully se-
lect the length of fi xing screws, in order to assure a suffi cient mesh-
ing thread length for the correct fi xing without breaking down the
threading seat and without affecting the correct motor fastening to
For the dimensions of fi xing screws and the depth of tapped holes
see Rossi technical documentation.
Attention! Bearing life and good shaft and coupling run-
ning depend on alignment precision between the shafts.
Therefore carefully align the motor and the driven machine
(with the aid of shims if need be), interposing fl exible couplings
whenever possible.
Incorrect alignment may cause breakdown of shafts (which may
represent heavy danger for people) and/or bearings (which may
cause overheatings).
Mating surfaces (fl ange or feet) must be clean and suffi ciently rough
(approximately R
≥ 6,3 m) to provide a good friction coeffi cient: re-
move by a scraper or solvent the possible paint of coupling surfaces.
When external loads are present use pins or locking blocks, if necessary.
When mounting the motor on the machine, it is recommended to
use locking adhesives on the fastening screws and on mating sur-
Position the motor so as to allow a free passage of air (on fan side)
for cooling. Therefore it is necessary to avoid:
– any obstruction to the air fl ow;
– heat sources near the motor that might affect the temperature of
cooling air and of the motor (for radiation);
– in general, insuffi cient air recycle and applications hindering the
steady dissipation of heat.
For outdoor installation, in presence of dump or corrosive envi-
ronments the IP55 protection degree is not enough to guarantee a
proper application. In this case, be sure that:
– the motor is equipped with the condensate drain holes, in the right
position (downwards) and always open (except during washes);
– the brake is with «Design for damp and corrosive environment»
(«,UC» code stated on name plate, HBZ and HBF motors) and with
«Stainless steel bolts and screws of brake» («,DB» code stated on
name plate, HBZ motor);
– the anti-condensation heater, if present, is properly connected
(see fi g. 3) for at least 2 hours before the motor starts running (nev-
er supply the heater during motor operations); as an alternative, a
single-phase voltage equal to approx. 10% of the nominal connec-
tion voltage applied to U1 and V1 terminals can replace the heater;
TX11 Operating instructions − UTD.164.06-2012.00_DE_EN
All manuals and user guides at
≤ 0,2 mm/s) to avoid dam-
≤ 4,5 mm/s for P
> 15 kW are ac-
– the motor is protected by whatever appropriate means, from solar
radiation and from weather direct exposure, expecially when it is
installed with vertical shaft upwards and when no drip-proof cover
is present.
Before commissioning verify the correct tightening of electrical
connections, fastening and fi tting systems.
Fitting of components to shaft ends
It is recommended to machine the hole of parts keyed onto shaft
ends to H7 tolerance.
Before mounting, clean mating surface thoroughly and lubricate
against seizure.
Assemble and disassemble with the aid of jacking screws and pull-
ers taking care to avoid impacts and shocks which may irremediably
damage the bearings (see fi gure below).
In case of direct fi tting or coupling be sure that the motor has been
carefully aligned with the driven machine.
If necessary, interpose a fl exible or elastic coupling.
In case of V-belt drives make sure that overhang is minimum and
that driven shaft is always parallel to machine shaft.
V-belts should not be excessively tensioned in order to avoid exces-
sive loads on bearings and motor shaft (for maximum loads on shaft
end and relevant bearing life see Rossi catalogs).
Motor is dynamically balanced; in case of standardized shaft end the
balancing is obtained with half key inserted into the shaft end and
exclusively for the nominal rotation speed (in order to avoid vibra-
tions and unbalances it is necessary that also power transmissions
are balanced with half key).
Before executing a possible trial run without output elements, se-
cure the key.
In case of brake motor see also ch. 6.3.
6.2 Braking torque adjustment (HBF ≥ 160S)
Motor is normally supplied with a braking torque set at about 0,71
times the maximum braking torque Mf
ance of ± 18%. For a correct application it is necessary to adjust
the braking torque according to specifi cations of the driven machine.
For general applications it is normally advisable to set braking torque
at about two times the nominal braking torque of motor.
Anyway, braking torque must be set between name plate values.
If braking torque is set at a value less than the minimum stated on
name plate, it is possible to have inconstant brakings strongly af-
fected by temperature, duty cycle and wear conditions. If there is a
value set higher than the maximum one stated on name plate, it is
possible to have missing or partial brake release with consequent
vibrations and overheatings of electromagnet and also of motor and
mechanical stresses affecting brake and motor life.
Braking torque is directly proportional to preload of braking springs
17 and can be changed by modifying the self-locking nuts 44 making
sure to preload uniformly all springs (see. Fig. 10a).
For the adjustment follow Tab. 4 stating values of springs length ac-
cording to braking torque percentage (Mf %) compared to maximum
value Mf
Important: values thus obtained can slightly differ from value de-
sired. Therefore, it is advisable to verify effective braking torques
achieved through a dynamometric key inserted on drive end motor
Before commissioning, close motor with brake cover.
6.3. Electrical installation
Insulation resistance control
Before putting into service and after long stillstanding or storing pe-
riods it is necessary to measure insulation resistance between the
windings and to earth by adequate d.c. instrument (500 V).
Attention! Do not touch the terminals during and just
after the measurement because of live terminals.
(see Tab. 4) with a toler-