4.0 Protection devices
4.1 Protection devices
To comply with the instructions of the European Community Directives, applicable to the unit
referred to in this use and maintenance manual, Mark Climate Technology has designed the safety
systems on the unit foreseen by the regulations in force.
4.2 Caution signs applied on the unit
DANGER: Risk of electric shock
4.3 Clothing
The equipment is destined for installation in positions which cannot be directly reached by users
during normal operations and therefore particular prescriptions regarding clothing are not necessary.
4.4 Residual risks
It is forbidden to use water to clean electro-mechanical components
Electrocution danger
Pay attention to fan movement. Do not introduce arms or limbs.
Mechanical danger
4.5 Emergency situations
In case of emergency immediately turn the machine off and cut off the electrical circuit through the
omnipolar isolator switch, identify and solve the problem, contact Mark Climate Technology.
It is absolutely forbidden to use water to put out fires, use exclusively powder or CO2 extinguishers.
5.0 Functioning notes
The functioning of the evaporative cooler is based on an important principle: It introduces big
quantities of fresh air into the building and removes hot exhausted air through doors, windows and
other openings. If the system is not able to expel the air volume introduced into the building, the
efficiency would be compromised. INLET FRESH AIR = OUTLET HOT AIR: a very simple principle.
If the system is able to expel all the air introduced into the building, the system operates at the
highest efficiency. The ideal condition is when, into the building, the air diffusers are positioned away
(better on the opposite side) from the openings (windows, doors, etc.) so the air passes through
the building while cooling it. Maximum efficiency can be reached by adjusting the dimensions of
the window and door openings. Never close the openings: if they are closed, no changes of air will
occur, consequently reducing the cooling effect and increasing the relative humidity level inside the