The optimal firing method
WANDERS stoves are designed to be as efficient as possible. A well-fired wood-burning stove can achieve an efficiency of around
80%, which means you will need less wood for the same amount of heat. Moreover, a well-fired stove produces less pollutants.
Some tips for optimum heating pleasure:
Always fire your stove with the door closed. This makes it 8-10 times more efficient. When the door is open, the chimney
will draw more air than necessary. The relatively cold air will cool the fire. Keeping the door closed also helps prevent
damage caused by sparks, especially when burning coniferous wood.
Do not put more than two logs on the fire at once. Adding a lot of fuel at once produces less efficient combustion and is
not environmentally friendly.
Keep the room well-ventilated when your stove is burning. A crackling wood fire has a minimum consumption of 25 cubic
metres of air per hour. Never turn on your extractor hood when your stove is on in the same room.
Be careful when firing your stove in foggy or windless weather. In windless weather, there will be hardly any chimney draft.
Because smoke is heavier than air, there is a chance that the smoke will flow into the room. When it is foggy outside, the
smoke will cool quickly after emerging from the chimney, causing it to sink and create a nuisance in the surrounding area.
Do not extinguish the fire suddenly with water. Let it burn out on its own. Sudden, large temperature changes can cause
the materials inside the stove to deform or crack.
To extinguish the fire, close the air slide.
Chimney and flue
The chimney is the most important part of your stove. The right chimney prevents smoke from getting into the room, deposits on
the stove glass and poor combustion. Before fitting the stove, your installer or a qualified chimney sweep must check whether your
chimney has a diameter of at least 150 mm throughout and whether it is clean, smooth and leak-tight.
In the event of a chimney fire, immediately close the shut-off valve in the chimney
What to do in the event of a chimney fire:
and all air supply channels. Call the fire brigade. After the fire has been extinguished, the
chimney and stove should be re-inspected by your installer.
Warm air wants to rise. This is the main principle that every chimney is based on. The effect is
Chimney with a good draft:
enhanced if the wind near the chimney mouth also sucks the air from the chimney.
Sometimes katabatic winds can produce the opposite effect by blowing back down the
chimney. Even relatively heavy, cold and foggy air can stand in the way of a good chimney
draft, as can an overly long flue with a rough surface and lots of bends. In case of a poor
natural chimney draft, your installer can tell you more about using a fan to enhance your flue.