Burning wood
The best way t o control the fire is to completely close the lower air slide, which you
use to get the fire st arted, and to regulate t he air supply with the upper air slide
only. In case t he air supply t hrough the upper slide seem s insufficient, or if you
would like to fan the fire, you can partially open the lower air slide for a while.
Always keep the stove door tightly closed. Never let the door open when the fire is
Add ex tra fuel when necessary.
Never add too m uch fuel. It is
best to fill the stove for one third
and to top it up on a regular ba-
Always open
the filling
slowly and for a short space of
tim e. Before filling up, the char-
spread open. Check whether the
coals are glowing enough just
behind the log retainer, so t hat
the added fuel will im m ediat ely
catch fire. If necessary you can
open the lower air slide for a
Open stacking will make the logs burn very intensely, as the ox ygen can easily reach
every part of t he fire. This m ethod of st acking is applied when burning wood for a
short while. Com pact stacking will make the fire burn slower, as the air can only
reach the outer parts of the fire. This stacking m ethod is best used when burning for
a longer while.
Low intensity fires cause t ar and creosote t o deposit in the chim ney after a long
period of tim e. Tar and creosote are highly com bustible substances. Thicker layers
of these substances m ight cat ch fire when the tem perature in the chimney increases
suddenly and steeply. Therefore it is necessary for the fire to regularly burn very
intensely, so that thin layers of tar and creosote im m ediately disappear.
Low intensity fires also cause t ar to deposit on the stove panels and doors.
When it is not too cold outside it is better to let the stove burn intensely for just a
few hours a day.
Ash removal
The bottom of the fire com part-
m ent is equipped with a port to
elim inate the ashes.
port (see picture) and sweep the
redundant ashes into the ashtray
by m eans of the scraper. With the
"cold handle", you can pull the
ashtray from t he stove (see pic-
Astroline 2
be carefully
Open the
open stacking
com pact st acking