a) Function
Infrared thermal imaging cameras measure the surface temperature of an object and indicate these temperature
distributions with false colour photography.
The IR detector records the heat radiation emitted, reflected and transmitted through the object and converts this
information into a temperature value. The measuring instrument includes is a detector with a resolution of 120 x 120
pixels. This means that the detector captures 120 x 120 temperature points with a measurement.
The emission level is a value used to describe the energy radiation characteristics of a material. The higher this
value, the more radiation a material can emit. Many organic materials and surfaces have an emission level of approx.
0.95. Metallic surfaces or shiny materials have a lower emission level. This will cause an inaccurate reading. For this
reason, a matt black layer of paint or matt adhesive tape should be applied to metallic shiny surfaces or the emission
level preset accordingly.
Possible setting values are:
ε = x.xx setting 0.01 - 0.99
Cement (0.94)
Glass (0.92)
Skin (0.98)
The IR lens (15) is located on the back of the device which can be sealed with a cover (16) for protection. Keep this
cover closed and open it only for the duration of the IR measurement. This prevents damage or contamination of the
A target laser (18) can be activated for orientation in non-contact IR temperature measurement. This marks the centre
of the measurement range.
The lens of the IR camera has a horizontal and ver-
tical field of view (FOV) of 21°. The ratio between
measurement distance and measurement field size is
220:1 (distance:spot ratio).
The sketch shows example values indicating how this
affects the ratio between distance and measuring spot
Ensure that the measured area is at least 2 - 3 times
larger than the smallest measuring point of the ther-
mal imaging camera.
The parameters are as follows:
Focal length
Field of view (FOV)
7.5 mm
Ice/water (0.96)
Plastic (0.90)
Wood (0.87)
120 cm
Lens size
9 mm
120 cm
Geometric resolution,
opening angle (IFOV)
4.53 mrad
Pixel size at the
34 µm