Protocol type:
Stream type:
Display mode:
Package file size:
Transmission performance:
Save record file as:
Save captured picture as:
Selection of the language for the web interface on the network camera.
Secure connection (connection-oriented, packet-switched).
RTSP – Real-Time Streaming Protocol: Data packets are stored specially
to prevent loss, which affects the video performance.
Unsecure connection, no check made as to whether data packets
have arrived (only recommended when using LAN).
Select either the 1st or 2nd video stream, which is then used for the live
image display.
The display mode on the screen can be adjusted here.
Size of the data packet for local storage (max. 512 MB).
The priority of the video compression can be defined here depending on the
network performance. Either the frame rate or reduction in image delay can
be used as a priority.
A button for recording video directly to the local HDD on the client PC is
located on the interface of the network camera. Select a folder by pressing
Select a folder for saving the snapshots.