Wiring Connection on the Battery / Verdrahtungsanschluss an der Batterie / Câblage
de la batterie / Conexión del cableado en la batería / Conexão da Fiação na Bateria
/ Bedradingsaansluiting op de batterij / Cablaggio della batteria / Połączenie
Przewodów Akumulatora / Zapojení kabeláže na baterii / Ledningsanslutning på
batteriet / Conexiune Cablurilor în Baterie / Свързване на кабели към батерията /
Batteriledninger / Σύνδεσμοσ Καλωδίων Μπαταρίασ / Juhtmestik akul / Akun johdotus
/ Ožičenje veze na bateriji / Kábelcsatlakozás az Akkumulátoron / Akumuliatoriaus
laidų jungtis / Kabeļa Savienojums uz Akumulatora / Káblové Pripojenie na Batérii
/ Kabelski Priključek na Bateriji / Akü üzerindeki kablolama bağlantısı / Conexão de
fiação na bateria / توصيل ا ل أس ل اك على البطارية
Wiring / Verkabelung / Câblage / Cableado / Ligação / Bedrading / Cablaggio
/ Połączenie przewodów / Zapojení / Kabeldragning / Cablare / Свързване /
Ledningsføring / Καλωδίωση / Juhtmed / Kytkennät / Ožičenje / Vezetékezés
/ Elektros instaliacija / Elektroinstalācija / Zapojenie / Ožičenje / Kablolama /
Cablagem / توصي ل ات ا ل أس ل اك
*Note: In the case of one tower, the BMS does not need to conduct wiring. The short
power cable, short-circuit plug, and waterproof cap will be connected before delivery. And
in that case, please don't remove the short power cable, short-circuit plug, or waterproof
Wiring procedure for two towers
Before conducting wiring between the BMS and series box, the short power cable, short-
circuit plug, and waterproof cap shall be removed.
Press and hold the lock button to unplug the short power cable.
Short power cable