Practical information
• It is normal to hear the sound of the motor frequently. It should
run even more frequently under the following circumstances:
- The temperature settings are cooler than necessary.
- A large amount of hot food has recently been stored in the
The motor runs
- The temperature outside the appliance is too high.
- The doors are open too long or too often.
- If you have just installed the appliance or if you turn it on again
after a long period of non-use.
• Make sure that food is placed in the appliance in such a way
A layer of frost develops
as to allow sufficient ventilation. Check the door is closed. If
in the compartment
you intend to defrost it, please refer to the "Cleaning" section.
• You may have left the doors open too long or too frequently.
The interior temperature
It is also possible that the doors remain open because of an
is too high
obstacle; or there is not enough space around the appliance.
The interior temperature
• Increase the temperature, referring to the "Appliance controls"
is too low
• Check that the top of the refrigerator is tilted backwards by 10
The doors are not closing
to 15 mm, in order to allow the doors to close automatically, or
that there is no object inside preventing the doors from closing.
• The water tank (located at the back of the refrigerator) may
not be level or the drain trap (located under the top of the
Water is running on the
compressor) is not pointing properly towards this tank or is
blocked. You may need to pull out the refrigerator to check the
tank and drain tap.
• The light can be damaged. Refer to the chapter on cleaning
The light is not working
and maintenance to replace the lights.
Possible causes and solutions