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Spirometrie ∙ custo spiro mobile
Referenties voor auteurs van instel-/streefwaarden
1) Oostenrijkse referentiewaarden - referentiebronnen: Script SPIROMETRIE van de Oostenrijkse
Vereniging voor Pneumologie; Opgesteld door de leden van de Werkgroep voor Klinische Respiratoire
Fysiologie, Standaardisatie en Beoordeling.
2) Cherniak - referentiebronnen: PH. H. Quanjer et al.: „Lung Volumes and Forced Ventilatory Flows"
Report Working Party, Standardization of Lung Function Tests, European Community of Steel and
Coal; The European Respiratory Journal 1993, Volume 6, Supplement 16, 5 - 40; „Standardization of
Lung Function Tests in Paediatrics" The European Respiratory Journal, Volume 2, Supplement 4, Maart
1989, ISBN 87-16-14801-0; R.M. Cherniak, M.B. Raber: „Normal standards of ventilatory function..." Am.
Rev. Respir. Dis. 1972; R.M. Cherniak „Ventilatory function in normal children" Canad. Med. Assoc. 1962;
3) Knudson - referentiebronnen: PH. H. Quanjer et al.: „Lung Volumes and Forced Ventilatory Flows"
Report Working Party, Standardization of Lung Function Tests, European Community of Steel and
Coal; The European Respiratory Journal 1993, Volume 6, Supplement 16, 5 - 40; „Standardization of
Lung Function Tests in Paediatrics" The European Respiratory Journal, Volume 2, Supplement 4, Maart
1989, ISBN 87-16-14801-0; R. J. Knudson, M.D. Lebowitz, R.C. Slatin: „Normal standards variability, and
effects of age" AM. Rev. Respir. Dis. 1983;
4) Ulmer - referentiebronnen: PH. H. Quanjer et al.: „Lung Volumes and Forced Ventilatory Flows"
Report Working Party, Standardization of Lung Function Tests, European Community of Steel and
Coal; The European Respiratory Journal 1993, Volume 6, Supplement 16, 5 - 40; W.T. Ulmer et al:
„Lungenfunktion: Physiologie und Pathophysiologie" Methodik, 2. Auflage, Thieme Stuttgart, 1983; W.T.
Ulmer, G. Reichel, D. Nolte, M.S. Islam: „Die Lungenfunktion" 3. Auflage, Thieme-Verlag Stuttgart, 1983;
5) Baur - referentiebronnen: X. Baur: „Lungenfunktionsprüfung und Allergiediagnostik" Dustri-Verlag,
Dr. Karl Feistle, 1998, ISBN 3-87185-270-8;
6) EGKS - referentiebronnen: PH. H. Quanjer et al.: „Lung Volumes and Forced Ventilatory Flows" Report
Working Party, Standardization of Lung Function Tests, European Community of Steel and Coal; The
European Respiratory Journal 1993, Volume 6, Supplement 16, 5 - 40; W. Schmidt: „Angewandte
Lungenfunktions-Prüfung" 3. Auflage, 1987, Dustri-Verlag, ISBN 3-87185-130-2; G. J. Tammeling, PH. H.
Quanjer: „Physiologie der Atmung" Thomae; H. Löllgen: „Kardiopulmonale Funktionsdiagnostik" CIBA-
7) Schindl – Referentiebronnen: R. Schindl, K. Aigner: „Atemfunktionsscreening und Sollwertebezug bei
Kindern und Jugendlichen";
8) Zapletal – Referentiebronnen: A. Zapletal, M. Samánek, T. Paul: "Lung Function in Children and
Adolescents" Progress in Respiration Research, Volume 22, Kager-Verlag, ISBN 3-8055-4495-2; PH. H.
Quanjer et al.: „Lung Volumes and Forced Ventilatory Flows" Report Working Party, Standardization of
Lung Function Tests, European Community of Steel and Coal; The European Respiratory Journal 1993,
Volume 6, Supplement 16, 5 - 40; „Standardization of Lung Function Tests in Paediatrics" The European
Respiratory Journal, Volume 2, Supplement 4, Maart 1989, ISBN 87-16-14801-0;
10) Reference values of spirometry for Finnish adultsA. Kainu, K.L. Timonen, J. Toikka, B. Quaiser, J.
Pitkäniemi, J. T. Kotaniemi, A. Lindqvist, E. Vanninen, E. Länsinies and A. R. A. Sovijärvi
11) Siriraj, ThailandDejsomritrutal W., Nana A., Maranetra N., et al. Reference spirometric values for
healthy lifetime nonsmokers in Thailand. J Med Assoc Thai 2000; 83:457-466.
12) Deense referentiewaarden: Løkke A, Marott JL, Mortensen J, Nordestgaard BG, Dahl M and Lange
P. New Danish reference values for spirometry. Clin Respir J DOI:10.1111/j.1752-699X.2012.00297.x.
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