Always perform the checks below before voltage is applied to the DUO
charging station.
√ All of the activities listed below must be performed in accordance with
NEN 3140.
√ Check whether the wires have been connected to the terminals in the right order.
√ Check whether the conductors on the terminals have been screwed on
properly (4 to 5 NM).
√ Check whether the grounding connector has been connected to the
coded terminal and whether it has been connected to the grounding
electrode or the supplied grounding device. The entire grounding system
must comply with the NEN1010/EU/35.
√ Check whether the charging station is stable.
√ Check whether the seals on the charging station' s caps have been
installed properly during installation (IP54).
√ Check whether any actions still need to be performed, so that they may be
performed safely.
√ Make sure there are no obstacles surrounding the worksite.
√ Before any voltage is applied to the charging station, make sure to
contact Ecotap® B.V. by calling 0031 (0) 411-210210 so that we can
activate that particular station's software; we will need the station's
unique code to do so.
19.1 Mounting the casing on the foundation
The foundation must be installed in a hole of 50x50 cm in size and 80 cm deep. The
bottom of the hole must be stable and flattened out properly. Place the foundation in the
hole and check whether it is level using a spirit level. You can correct any small deviations
while you are closing the hole. Place the charging station on the foundation without its 2
bent steel cap sections and mount it using the bolts and nuts supplied (the nuts go on the
top). Leave the transparent lids on the front of the charging station in place for now. Make
sure the station faces the right way (i.e. the connecting side is at the front). Close the hole
using around 20 cm of soil/sand.
Install the cap in the back using the nuts that have been supplied.
Keep in mind that there is sufficient space for the operation of the charging station. For this
we advise to keep at least 1 meter of free space around the charging station.