Welding Process
The welding process is monitored for its entire duration, applying the welding parameters com-
puted for the electrofusion fitting.
End of Welding
The welding process will have finished correctly when the display has counted down to 0. An
acoustic signal will sound for one second.
The cooling time will then be counted up on the screen.
The Fitting OK symbol is displayed on the right of the screen.
Aborted Welding
The welding process can be stopped by: pressing the Stop button if:
Mains voltage fluctuations are excessive
Mains frequency fluctuations are excessive
Welding current fluctuations are excessive
Break in the power circuit
Shorted coil in the fitting
The warning tone will sound continuously.
An error can only be acknowledged by pressing the STOP button.
Cooling Time
The cooling time as given in the fitting manufacturer's instructions has to be respected. Note that
for that time the pipe/fitting joint which is still warm must not be subjected to an external force.
Returning to the Start of Welding
After welding is finished, disconnecting the welded fitting from the welding unit will cause the unit
to return to the start of welding. An additional safety feature prevents a given electrofusion fitting
from being welded twice inadvertently: after a properly completed or an aborted welding opera-
tion, the welding unit has to be disconnected from the fitting first, in order to be ready for the next