Symptoms Experienced
The soap/disinfectant/lotion
won't dispense.
The soap/disinfectant/lotion
dispenses with sputters.
The soap/disinfectant/lotion
sometimes dispenses and
others not.
Possible Problem or Cause
The system is not plugged into a
working power point.
The cables and tubing may have
not been connected correctly.
The soap/disinfectant/lotion pouch-
es may have not been secured
The soap and disinfectant sectors
have not been primed, or the liquid
hoses contain air.
The liquid outlet is clogged
Possible issue with pump compo-
nents in soap-box.
Soap/Disinfectant/Lotion tubes are
Check the system is plugged into a
working power point and switched
Check all cable and tubing con-
nections for loose connections or
incorrect connections. Please refer
to the relevant pages of the manual
for correct installation procedures.
Check soap/disinfectant/lotion
pouches are secured correctly.
Please refer to user manual.
Prime/bleed the soap/disinfectant/
lotion. Please refer to the relevant
pages of user manual.
Switch off the system and clean the
liquid outlet with a damp cloth.
If the problem persists, please
contact miscea GmbH for further
technical assistance.
Disconnect the miscea system
from the power point. After 10 sec-
onds, reconnect the miscea system
to the power point. This should
reset the system and resolve any
minor system glitches.
If the problem persists, please
contact miscea GmbH for further
technical assistance.