Range 0,5~99:00 Km.
Press "MODE" buttons to set your "CAL" (Calories)
goal in Cal.
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set your
desired training calories.
Default calorie goal is set on 50 K.calories.
Range 10~999 K.Cal.
Press "START" button to start your workout.
Manual Own profile
Press "MANUAL" button to open programming
mode. Display shows "P-1", and 30:00 as time goal
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set your
desired training time, and press "MODE" to
Press the "SPEED" buttons to set the speed.
Press the "INCLINE" buttons to set the incline.
Press and hold "MODE" key for 3 seconds to
confirm and go to next programming stage.
Repeat the above action to configure the other
Press the START/STOP button to start the program.
End your workout
Pause your workout at any time by press "STOP"
button once.
Press "START" button to resume training when
being in pause mode.
Press and hold "STOP" button to stop workout and
reset console.
Preset Programs (P1~P12)
The equipment has 12 pre-set programs with different
profiles (Fig G).
Press "MODE" button to open programming mode,
keep pressing "MODE" button to select P-1~P12
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set your
desired training time
Default training time is set on 30:00 minutes.
Range 5:00~99:00 min.
Press "MODE" buttons to set your "DIST"
(Distance) goal in KM.
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set your
desired training distance.
Default Distance is set on 1.0 Km.
Range 0,5~99:00 Km.
Press "MODE" buttons to set your "CAL" (Calories)
goal in Cal.
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set your
desired training calories.
Default calorie goal is set on 50 K.calories.
Range 10~999 K.Cal.
Press "START" button to start your workout.
Body Fat
The Body Fat program is program to indicate your fiscal
state, based on your body parameters and heart rate.
Press and hold "MODE" for 3 seconds to open
"FAT"(body fat) programming mode.
Press "MODE" button to confirm and open
programming mode.
"F-1" is shown in Display:
Gender set mode: 01=Male/ 02=Female
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set gender,
press "MODE/ ENTER" button to confirm.
"F-2" is shown in Display:
Age set mode: 10~99 year
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set age,
press "MODE" button to confirm.
"F-3" is shown in Display:
Height set mode: 100~200 cm
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set height,
press "MODE" button to confirm.
"F-4" is shown in Display:
Weight set mode: 20~150 kg.
Press "SPEED/ INCLINE" buttons to set height,
press "MODE" button to confirm.
"F-5" is shown in Display:
Grab both hand-pulse sensor plates to start
measuring process.
Display will display "- - - -" in active mode.
Holding the contact hand-grip heart rate
measurement pads is required for this function.
Result Body fat test
Too thin
Little overweight
Too Fat
This console can connect with an APP on a smart
device by Bluetooth (iOS & Android).
Tunturi only provides the option to connect
your fintess console throughout a bluetooth
connection. Therefore Tunturi cannot be held
resposible for damage, or malfunctioning of
products other than Tunturi products.
Check the www.Tunturi-Fitness.com website for
extra information.
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