The Clean Air Optima CA-603 is equipped with a White Dust & Anti-Microbial Filter. It
consists of an inner cylinder, an outer cover and a number of small plastic and ceramic balls. The
plastic balls are embedded with nano-silver, an anti-microbial agent designed to purify the water
and destroy microbes such as bacteria and mould. The ceramic balls function to soften the water
by adhering to minerals that cause white dust. They also serve to remove any unpleasant odour
from the water. The filter must be replaced at least every three months or after 400 hours of
operation of the humidifier. See the Maintenance section of more information.
Operating Instructions
Before getting started, please remove the Clean Air Optima CA-603 from its box and allow it to
become accustomed to the room temperature for at least 30 minutes especially if the machine is
cold from the outside air. The CA-603 is designed to operate at temperatures between 5 -40 ºC
and relative humidity of less than 80%.
To get started, first remove the nozzele than grasp the water tank by the handle at the top and lift
from the base. Next, flip the tank over and unscrew and remove the water tank lid and filter.
Then place the water tank under the faucet for filling. Fill the tank with tap water (or other clean
water source with water temperature under 40ºC), re-insert the lid and filter. Flip the water tank
once again until it is on the right side up. Ensure that the basin is clean and then carefully place
the water tank back on the lower body.
Wait a few seconds until the water tank lid starts to release water into the basin. You will hear a
bubbling sound as the air enters the water tank. Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet
switched off, the power icon should now be red and the values for temperature and humidity will
now be displayed.
Press the On/Off Button to activate the humidifier. The machine is now operating in manual
mode. It will release cool mist on a constant basis with the mist intensity level automatically set to
medium. The nozzele jet at the top of the machine can be rotated to blow mist in 360 degrees
directions. You may also lift the nozzele from the water tank, adjust the positions and reinsert back
into the top of the water tank. The output nozzele jet should not be set to spray directly onto
people, electrical devices or any obstructions. It is best to direct the nozzele jet into the open air.
The Min/Max Button changes the mist level (low, medium, high). This change is displayed on the
LCD screen by the numbers 1, 2 , 3. If the machine is in automatic mode, it will automatically
adjust the mist intensity.