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Ambient Temperature; Adaptative Smart Time; Open Window Detection; Setpoint Temperature - Tempco RF CONTROL Handleiding



Beschikbare talen

Beschikbare talen

o "oP YES":
Open window detection: when the thermostat detects
an open window, the radiator will switch temporarily
to Anti -frost mode and return to its previous operati
ng mode aft er the window has been closed. It is set
to "YES" by default. For a diff erent setti ng, press OK ,
"YES" fl ashes. Use the "+ or -" buttons to change it to
"no". Press OK again to accept. When you deacti vate
the open window detecti on functi on, the symbol is no
longer displayed on the remote control.
o "t 30.0 °c":
For safety reasons, you can limit the setpoint tempera-
ture. The default setting is 30°C, but you can lower this
temperature down to 20°C. Press OK , " 30.0 °c" fl ashes.
Use the "+ or -" buttons to change it. Press OK again to
o "Sd EHt":
Sensor regulated temperature, set to " EHt" by default.
This means the radiator sensor is used to regulate the
You can change this setting. Press OK , " EHt" flashes.
Use the "+ or -" butt ons to change it to "Int".
Press OK again to accept. You are now using the remote
control's sensor to regulate the temperature.
" EHt" = Radiator sensor "Int"= Remote control sensor
o "t 0.0 °c":
Setpoint temperature regulation: use this if you noti
ce a discrepancy between the setpoint temperature
and the ambient temperature indicated on the remote
control. This is set to 0.0°c by default. Press OK , " 0.0 °c"
fl ashes. Use the "+ or -" butt ons to change it. Press OK
again to accept. Setti ngs range between -3.0°C and
+ 3.0°C. Regulati on is only possible if you are using the
radiator's internal sensor to regulate the temperature:
" EHt" = Radiator sensor.
o "tS 100":
You can limit the surface temperature of your radiator
to 3 diff erent levels
100% 70% or 55% .
This function allows you to reduce the amount of heat
produced and must be taken into considerati on when
assessing a room's heati ng requirements. This is set
to 100% by default. To change this setti ng, press OK ,
" 100 " fl ashes. Use the "+ or -" to change it. Press OK
again to accept. Following a change to this setti ng, the
symbol will appear diff erently on the screen of your
remote control.
o "AC no":
Room sensor calibrati on (sensor located on
your radiator). Calibrati on must be carried out
aft er one day's operati on at the same set-
point. Place a thermometer in the middle of
the room about 1.5 m above ground level and
note the temperature measured aft er 1 hour.
When going into the calibration setting for the
first time, the display will show "no" to indi-
cate that calibrati on has not been done. Press
OK , and the temperature will fl ash. Enter the
temperature reading from your thermometer
using the "+ or -" butt ons, then accept your
setti ng by pressing OK . "AC YES" appears on
the screen. You have successfully completed
calibrati on. You can cancel the calibration and
return to "no" by pressing both "+ " and "-" si-
Important note: A difference in temperature
that is too great can also mean that your re-
mote control is in the wrong place.
o "Ch YES":
Automati c switch to Daylight Saving Time and
back again, this is set to " YES" by default. You
can change it by pressing OK , " YES" fl ashes.
Use the "+ or -" butt ons to change it to "no".
Press OK again to accept. In this case, you will
have to change the ti me manually each sum-
mer and winter.
o "CL ":
Reset your remote control, return to default
factory setti ngs. Press and hold OK for 8 se-
conds. When all the icons are displayed on the
screen and the remote control fl ashes orange
once, your remote control has been successfully
reset. You will be returned to comfort mode at
19°C, and all custom ti mer programs U1 to U4
are cleared.
o "UE 0.1":
Soft ware version, for your information.
o " End":
Display shows "End". Press OK to exit the instal-
ler menu and return to the previous mode.
Note: When navigati ng inside the installer
menu, you can exit at any ti me and return to
the previous modeby pressing the back button



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