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Locking The Keypad; Open Window Detection; Factory Settings; Advanced Settings - Tempco RF CONTROL Handleiding



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Beschikbare talen

OK . You just created your first Eco period of the day.
Comfort flashes on the screen.
7. Advance the time of day using the «+ » button in steps
of 30 minutes to create your fi rst Comfort mode period.
Press OK . You just created your first Comfort period of the
day. Eco fl ashes on the screen.
8. Repeat the previous steps as many times are you wish
to create as many Eco and Comfort periods as you wish to
have in the same day.
9. When the timer programming reaches the end of the
day, 23:30 flashes. Press OK .
10. Day 2 (2=Tuesday) and CP YES appear on the screen.
You can choose to copy the day 1 program to day 2 or not.
11. If you choose to copy the program, press OK . Day 3
(3=Wednesday) and CP YES appear on the screen. Repeat
this step unti l you reach the last day of the week.
12. If you choose not to copy the program, press «+ » or
«-», CP no now flashes on the screen. Press OK to accept
your choice. You will now have to repeat the programming
steps described above.
13. When you have finished programming the last day of
the week, you must save your program. SAVE appears on
the screen. Press OK to save it. You will then automatically
move into Auto mode. (The temperature setpointand pro-
gram number are displayed on the screen).
Important: If you choose a program that has already pre-
viously been customized but which you do not want to
modify, press OK to accept. You will automatically move
into Auto mode (The temperature setpoint and program-
number are displayed on the screen)
Notes: program ranges are displayed in a graphic at the
bott om of the screen and the time segment flashes. This
enables you to view an enti re day's program.


Use this function to avoid making any changes to the
transmitt er setti ngs. To lock the keypad, press «+ » and
«-» simultaneouslythen press OK The symbol is displayed
and the keypad is now locked. Repeat the same procedure
tounlock the keypad. The symbol disappears.


The symbol is visible on the screen and disappears
when you have deactivated this functi on in the ad-
vanced settings. When the thermostat detects an open
window, the radiator will switch temporarily to Anti
-frost mode and return toits previous operati ng mode
after the window has been closed.


To reset the thermostat press and hold button "B" for
20 seconds. The indicator light fl ashes orange and
then turns stable orange before finally going outcom-
pletely. Restart your thermostat by pressing button "B".
The indicator light will flash orange rapidly. Your ther-
mostat is now reset.


Your remote control has an installer menu which al-
lows you to modify various settings to suit your needs.
Press and hold the OK butt on on the remote control
for 10 seconds unti l the installer menu appears "bL
no", the symbol appears. Then press the "+ or -" but-
tons to move through the various setti ngs. You can
exit the installer menu at any time by pressing the
back button, or going down to the "End" setti ng to
exit and return to the previous mode.
Descriptions of the various settings:
o "bL no":
Fan is installed (certain radiator models), set to " no"
by default. To choose a diff erent setti ng, press OK ,
" no" flashes, use the "+ or -" butt ons to change it to
"YES", press OK again to accept.
o "rF INI":
Pairing menu, press "OK " once, "INI" and the symbol
flash on the screen. Your radiator is currently pairing.
When the screen returns to the previous mode, your fi
rst radiator has been successfully paired.
o "tP no":
Display the ambient temperature, set to " no" by de-
fault. To choose a diff erent setting, press OK , " no"
flashes, use the "+ or -" to change it to "YES", press OK
again to accept. In this case, the ambient temperature
will always be displayed on the remote control screen
with the symbol and you will have to press to display
the setpoint temperature for 10 seconds.
o "At YES":
Adaptive start time. This function allows you to anti
cipate the starting of your system. You will reach the
setpoint temperature in the room at the desired time.
It is acti vated when your system changes from eco to
comfort in AUTO mode. It is set to "YES" by default. For
a diff erent setti ng, press OK , "YES" flashes. Use the
"+ or -" buttons to change it to "no". Press OK again to
accept. You have now deactivated the adaptive start
time function.



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