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Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE C3530i Gebruikershandleiding pagina 2075



Notice must be included in any documentation for Subject Software where
Recipient's rights relating to Subject Software and/or any Accompanying
Technology are described. Distributions of Subject Software in source code
form must also include the Required Notice in every file distributed. In
addition, a ReadMe file entitled "Important Legal Notice" must be distributed
with each distribution of one or more files that incorporate Subject Software.
That file must be included with distributions made in both source code and
executable form. A copy of the License and the Required Notice must be
included in that file. Recipient may distribute Accompanying Technology under
a license of Recipient's choice, which may contain terms different from this
License, provided that (i) Recipient is in compliance with the terms of this
License, (ii) such other license terms do not modify or supersede the terms of
this License as applicable to the Subject Software, (iii) Recipient hereby
indemnifies SGI for any liability incurred by SGI as a result of the
distribution of Accompanying Technology or the use of other license terms.
3. Termination. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
automatically if Recipient fails to comply with terms herein and fails to cure
such breach within 30 days of the breach. Any sublicense to the Subject
Software that is properly granted shall survive any termination of this
License absent termination by the terms of such sublicense. Provisions which,
by their nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
shall survive.
4. Trademark Rights. This License does not grant any rights to use any trade
name, trademark or service mark whatsoever. No trade name, trademark or
service mark of SGI may be used to endorse or promote products derived from or
incorporating any Subject Software without prior written permission of SGI.
5. No Other Rights. No rights or licenses not expressly granted hereunder
shall arise by implication, estoppel or otherwise. Title to and ownership of
the Original Software at all times remains with SGI. All rights in the
Original Software not expressly granted under this License are reserved.
6. Compliance with Laws; Non-Infringement. Recipient shall comply with all
applicable laws and regulations in connection with use and distribution of the





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