poškodujejo. Za najvišje število vrtljajev motorja
Technical data na strani 123 .
pogonski jermen, se lahko zlomi in povzroči
poškodbe. Med nameščanjem ali
odstranjevanjem kosišča nosite zaščitna
Natančno preberite navodila za montažo v navodilih za
uporabo. Oznaka na notranji strani sprednjega pokrova
izdelka prikazuje tudi način namestitve in odstranjevanja
To remove and attach the cutting deck
1. Park the product on level ground.
2. Apply the parking brake.
3. Set the cutting height lever in the servicing position.
4. Release the clip on the front cover with the tool
attached to the ignition key, and remove the cover.
5. Lift the cutting height stay and put it in the holder for
the cutting height stay.
6. Pull the spring eye to loosen the spring for the drive
belt tension.
Vzmet, ki napenja
Izdelek je homologiran samo za uporabo z opremo,
ki jo dobavi ali priporoča proizvajalec.
7. Put the spring eye in the holder on the tension arm
for the drive belt.
8. Remove the drive belt and put it in the belt holder.
9. Put a wooden block between the equipment frame
and the chassis. This makes sure that the cutting
deck does not spring back when removed.
injury if your hand is caught between the
equipment frame and the chassis.
10. Remove the 2 screws on the equipment frame.
Be careful. Risk of
1590 - 001 - 11.12.2020