Load settings from a QR code from your photo album on your mobile phone.
Select the photo button
go to the photo album on your
mobile phone.
Generate a QR code of your settings such as time blocks, light intensity and color
Select "My OR Code"
Demo mode
Select 'Menu'
Select "Demo"
Select the QR code in your
photo album.
Generate a QR code of your
settings such as time blocks,
light intensity and color.
Select "choose"
After the QR code is loaded, a
preview appears. Swipe left or
right to view the settings for the
different time blocks.
Save your QR code. You can
now restore your settings
by scanning the QR code or
sharing it with friends.
Lightning Simulation in Demo
Mode: Lightning effect is
displayed for 24 hours. Choose
"Exit" to exit Demo mode.