9 | MuLtI-StAGE CookING
You can set a maximum of two stages at once with the
microwave oven. if one stage is defrosting, it should be
put as the first stage. the buzzer will ring once after each
stage and when the next stage will begin.
Example: if you want to defrost the food for 5 minutes and then
cook it with 80% microwave power for 7 minutes follow the next
• Press the button DEfRoSt twice and the display shows
• turn
to adjust the defrosting time to 5 minutes.
• Press the button MICRowAvE and use
microwave power to 80% - P80.
• Press the button StARt/+30 SEC. to confirm the setting.
• turn
to adjust the cooking time to 7 minutes.
• Press the button StARt/+30 SEC. to start cooking.
10 | quICk StARt
• Press the button StARt/+30 SEC. to cook with full power
(900 watt) for 30 seconds.
button increases the time with 30 seconds. the
maximum is 95 minutes.
• turn
to the left to set the cooking time instantly and
press StARt/+ 30 SEC. to heat the microwave to full
power (900 watt).
• Press during the use of the microwave, grill, convection
or a combination the button StARt/+30 SEC. to
increase the cooking time full power with 30 seconds.
when pressed repeatedly on the same button the time
increases with 30 seconds.
• this function does not work while defrosting or while using a
auto menu.
to set the
each press on the same
11 | Auto MENu
• turn
to the right to select the desired menu and A 1,
A 2, A 3..... A 10 will be displayed.
• Press the button StARt/+30 SEC. to confirm the menu.
• turn
to select the desired weight and the display will
show g.
• Press the button StARt/+30 SEC. to start the menu.
• when you choose the menu A 9 - cake, please do not place
the cake into the oven at the beginning. the oven first needs to
be preheated to 160°c. after several minutes, the buzzer will
ring twice to remind you to place the cake into the oven. after
placing the cake in the oven, press StARt/+30 SEC. again to
start the baking. the time will countdown and the cake will be
baked perfectly.
• while preparing chicken with menu A 10, the oven will ring
twice. this is normal. to get a better grilling result you should
turn over the chicken. close the door and press the button
StARt/+30 SEC. again to continue grilling.
nothing the oven will continue grilling.
check the next page for the auto menu overview.
when you do