Vacon 100
P5.8.1.1 RS 485 Protocol
P5. Slave address
P5. Baud rate
P5. Stop bits
P5. Parity type
P3.2.1 Rem control place
P3.3.1.10 Fieldbus ref sel
Let op! De tekenpariteit in EC 531 is gelijk aan die van de 2-stops bit. Geen pariteit in Vacon drive.
Vacon 20
P2.1 Remote control place selection
P3.3 Remote freq. reference
S System parameters
S-P2.2 Fieldbus protocol
S-P2.3 Slave address
S-P2.4 Baud rate
S-P2.6 Parity type
Let op! De tekenpariteit in EC 531 is gelijk aan die van de 2-stops bit. Geen pariteit in Vacon drive.
P 1000
H5-01 Drive node address
H5-02 Communication speed
H5-03 Communication parity
b1-01 Frequency reference
b1-02 Run command
Selecteer "P 1000 > 11 kW" als de stroom (0,01 A) en het vermogen (0,01 kW) tot 0,1 A en 0,1 kW zijn
CG (Emotron)
Emotron gebruikt standaard twee stopbits, dit is hetzelfde als de "MARK"-pariteit in EC 531. Optione-
le RS 485-uitbreidingskaart is vereist.
260 Serial com.
210 Operation
• 261 Com type
• 262 Modbus RTU
◦ 2621 Baud rate
◦ 2622 Address
• 264 Com fault
• 215 Action ctrl
◦ 2151 Run / Stp ctrl
Variable speed drive
1= Modbus RTU
Unique slave ID corresponding to EC 531 setting
Same as EC 531
1=1 stop bit
Same parity as EC 531
Select fieldbus CTRL for EC 531 operation
Select fieldbus for EC 531 speed control
Variable speed drive
1= Fieldbus
3 = Fieldbus
1 = Modbus used
Unique slave ID corresponding to EC 531 setting
Same as EC 531
Same parity as EC 531
Variable speed drive
Same as EC 531
Same as EC 531
Same as EC 531
[2] for Modbus control
[2] for Modbus control
Soft starter
Select RS 485
Same as EC 531
Unique slave ID corresponding to EC 531 setting
Select preferred behaviour
Select "Com" for fieldbus control