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Graef SKS 900 Gebruiksaanwijzing pagina 36



• Place the wiper ring in
the unit again.
• Unscrew the blade
removal unit; the knife
is attached to the ma-
chine again.
Before screwing the blade cover plate back on the unit, the black pressure ring on
the blade has to be greased with Plastilube (article No. 195) in order to prevent
the following:
• Heating and deformation of the blade cover plate; in this case it can be un-
screwed with difficulties only.
• When the machine runs for a longer period, the motor blows and does not
start any more. The blade does not move any more.
• The machine turns warm; the wiper ring gets soft and deforms.
reason, the machine has to be greased in regular intervals.
• Grease the wiper ring
with Plastitube (article
No. 195).
• Important! Grease the
black pressure ring
with Plastitube (article
No. 195).
• Return the blade with
the blade removal unit
back on to the blade
bearing bolt.
For this



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