6.1 System
Product name:
The product name indicates the functions included (e.g. MPx = megapixel).
Firmware version:
Shows the current version of the installed firmware.
Web version:
Shows the current version of the web interface.
Current date/time:
PC clock:
Date/time format:
Keep current setting:
Synchronize with PC:
Manual setting:
Synchronize with NTP:
NTP server name:
Shows the currently saved time and date setting in the camera.
Shows the time and date on the PC used to access the camera.
Select the format here (YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day, hh = hour, mm =
minute, ss = second).
No change to the settings.
Date and time set on the PC are adopted by the camera.
Set the date and time here manually.
Automatic update of date and time settings via a time server (Network
Time Protocol).
Enter the domain name of the time server here (e.g. de.pool.ntp.org).
When activated, the standard time server is used. Deactivate the "Auto"
setting to enter the NTP server name manually.