b) Registering remote control on the door lock actuator
No remote control is registered / programmed in delivery status. Thus the door
lock actuator does NOT react to the radio remote control included in delivery.
Please note:
The fi rst remote control to be programmed is automatically the „Master" remote.
Storage place „1" is reserved for this remote.
Register / programme fi rst remote control:
• Press the upper key "Unlock" on the door lock actuator for about 2 seconds
• Storage place „1" appears in the LC display The symbols for radio reception
• To register the radio remote control, press any desired key of the radio remote
• The display emits "ok" if the code is successfully received and exits the menu
Register / programme a further remote control:
• Press the upper key "Unlock" on the door lock actuator for about 2 seconds
• "X" appears in the LC display; the symbols for radio reception and "Unlock"
• Now press a desired key on the "Master" remote control for approx. one
• Another storage place can now be selected on the door lock actuator with
• To register the radio remote control, press any desired key of the radio remote
to start the registration process.
If you press the key "Unlock" again for a long period (press key for
about 2 seconds) the registration process is interrupted without the
radio remote control being registered.
The registration procedure is automatically completed if no key is
pressed on the door lock actuator or on the radio remote control for
three minutes after accessing the menu.
and „Unlock" fl ash; the door lock actuator is ready to receive the desired
transmitter code.
control for approx. 1 second.
(display "M" on the display) with three short audio signals.
to start the registration process.
fl ash (you can abortl the programming procedure as described above).
second till a free storage place such as, for example, „2" is displayed instead
of "X"
the keys „Unlock" or „Lock" , if required.
control for approx. 1 second.