b) Assembly of Fastening Element and Door Lock Actuator
- Slacken the fastening screws (at the left
and right of the door lock actuator) for the
fastening element.
- Remove the fastening element from the
door lock actuator.
- Make sure that the nuts remain in the fasten-
ing element.
- Fix the fastening element with the screw
at the top and the bottom of the cylinder
However, the door leaf or door fitting will be damaged by these two screws.
For tenanted flats, this could lead to claims for damages or to retention of the
rent deposit.
Normally the two lateral screws at the top and bottom of the fastening elements suffice
for the door lock actuator to be fastened securely.
- Place the fastening element onto the project-
ing part of the cylinder lock.
- If necessary, the fastening element can be
fastened to the door additionally with two
wooden screws (see arrow).