7. Preparation
a) Requirements on the door:
The door lock actuator is envisaged for mounting on conventional flat doors, house doors, side
entrance doors or similar which have a replaceable standard cylinder lock.
The door lock actuator can only be used on doors the door leaf hinges, locks, cylinder locks or
latches of which function easily and do not jam.
Please note:
• Doors, the cylinder locks/locks of which can only be operated by pressing, pulling,
lifting, lowering or twisting the door are not suitable for operation with the door lock
• Wood is a natural material the behaviour of which is dependent on the weather
("wood works"). Wooden doors can therefore warp under the influence of direct
sunlight, severe cold or dampness which can make the function of the door lock
actuator difficult or, indeed, impossible.
In the case of plastic or aluminium doors, such problems arise only seldom. Nev-
ertheless, consideration should be given to the fact that doors which are mounted
on the outside of buildings (e.g. house entrance doors) are subject to enormous
climatic fluctuation in climate. There is mostly an even temperature on the inside of
a house which is contrary to the climate on the outside.
It can therefore not be ruled out that there are climatic conditions under which the
door lock actuator does not function because it can not surmount the forces which
the warped door (and thus the lock) requires when opening or closing it.
• Makes sure, before using the door lock actuator, that the door can be locked and
unlocked easily under all climatic conditions prevailing at the location.
• Test the function of the door and lock by locking and unlocking the door lock merely
by turning the key in the lock without touching the door or door handle thereby.
• Adjust the door hinges and/or the locking plate in the door frame in such a manner
that locking and unlocking takes place easily as described above.
Depending on the door, it is possible that a specialist or special tools are neces-
This applies above all for doors with multiple locks, special locks or alarm sys-
• To use the opening function of the "CFA 1000" system, the door seals have to be
composed in such a manner that the door opens a little itself after being unlocked
fully by expanding the door seal (the hinges of the door also have to function eas-
For doors with an automatic door closer, the door opening function of the "CFA 1000"
cannot be used.