SAFE logic= 4 - Input configured as Phot cl (photocell active during closing only) non tested (*) .
Enables connection of devices not equipped with supplementary test contacts. In the event beam is broken, photocell operation is disabled during opening. During closing, move-
ment is reversed immediately. If not used, leave jumper inserted.
SAFE logic= 5 - Input configured as Phot cl test (tested photocell active during closing only.
Switches photocell testing on at start of operation. In the event beam is broken, photocell operation is disabled during opening. During closing, movement is reversed immediately.
SAFE logic= 6 - Input configured as Bar (safety edge) non tested (*) .
Enables connection of devices not equipped with supplementary test contacts. The command reverses movement for 2 sec.. If not used, leave jumper inserted.
SAFE logic= 7 - Input configured as Bar (tested safety edge.
Switches safety edge testing on at start of operation. The command reverses movement for 2 sec.
SAFE logic= 8 - Input configured as Bar 8k2. Input for resistive edge 8K2.
The command reverses movement for 2 sec.
SAFE logic=9 Input configured as Bar op, safety edge with active inversion only while opening, if activated while closing, the automation stops (STOP) .
Allows connecting devices not fitted with supplementary test contact. The operation while opening causes the movement to be reversed for 2 seconds, the operation while closing causes the
automation to stop. If not used, leave jumper inserted.
SAFE logic=10 Input configured as Bar op test, safety edge checked with active inversion only while opening, if activated while closing, the automation stops (STOP) .
Activates testing safety edges when starting operation. The operation while opening causes the movement to be reversed for 2 seconds, the operation while closing causes the automation to stop.
SAFE logic=11 Input configured as Bar 8k2 op, 8k2 safety edge with active inversion only while opening, if activated while closing, the automation stops (STOP)
The operation while opening causes the movement to be reversed for 2 seconds, the operation while closing causes the automation to stop.
SAFE logic=12 Input configured as Bar cl, safety edge with active inversion only while closing, if activated while opening, the automation stops (STOP).
Allows connecting devices not fitted with supplementary test contact. The operation while closing causes the movement to be reversed for 2 seconds, the operation while opening
causes the automation to stop. If not used, leave jumper inserted.
SAFE logic=13 Input configured as Bar cl test, safety edge checked with active inversion only while closing, if activated while opening, the automation stops (STOP).
Activates testing safety edges when starting operation. The operation while closing causes the movement to be reversed for 2 seconds, the operation while opening causes the automation to stop.
SAFE logic=14 Input configured as Bar 8k2 cl, safety edge with active inversion only while closing, if activated while opening, the automation stops (STOP) .
The operation while closing causes the movement to be reversed for 2 seconds, the operation while opening causes the automation to stop.
Logica SAFE= 15 - Non utilisé
Logica SAFE=16 - Input configured as STOP 8k2. The command interrupts the maneuver and blocks the automation.
(*) If "D" type devices are installed (as defined by EN12453), connect in unverified mode, foresee mandatory maintenance at least every six months.
CH logic= 0 - Control configured as Start E. Operation according to STEP-BY-STEP
CH logic= 1 - Control configured as Start I. Operation according to STEP-BY-STEP
CH logic= 2 - Control configured as Open.
The command causes the leaves to open.
CH logic= 3 - Control configured as Closed.
The command causes the leaves to close.
CH logic= 4 - Control configured as Ped.
The command causes the leaf to open to the pedestrian (partial) opening position. Operation according to STEP-BY-STEP. logic
Logica CH= 5- Control configured as STOP.
The command performs a STOP
CH logic= 6 - Control configured as AUX0. (**)
The control activates the AUX0 output
CH logic= 7 - Not used
CH logic= 8 - Not used
CH logic= 9 - Control configured as AUX3. (**)
The control activates the AUX3 output
CH logic= 10 - Control configured as EXPO1. (**)
The control activates the EXPO1 output
CH logic= 11 - Control configured as EXPO2. (**)
The control activates the EXPO2 output
(**) Active only if the output is configured as Monostable Radio Channel, Courtesy Light, Zone Light, Stair Light, Bistable Radio Channel or Timed Radio Channel.
Add 1ch Key
add 1ch
associates the desired key with the 1nd radio channel command.
Add 2ch Key
add 2ch
associates the desired key with the 2nd radio channel command.
Add 3ch Key
add 3ch
associates the desired key with the 3nd radio channel command.
Add 4ch Key
add 4ch
associates the desired key with the 4nd radio channel command.
Erase List
WARNING! Erases all memorized transmitters from the receiver's memory.
erase 64
Eliminates individual radio control
Removes a radio control (if clone or replay is disabled) To select the radio control to be deleted, enter the position or press a button on the radio
erase 1
control to be deleted (the position is displayed)
Read receiver code
Displays receiver code required for cloning transmitters.
Radio channel control configuration
OV. logic. External start for traffic light control.
OV. logic. Internal start for traffic light control.