Finally, install the hoseconnectors and hoses that connect the filter system to the pool. Make the
joints watertight with PTFE tape.
Connection of hosepipes to the pump
1. Skimmer Circuit: Connecting the skimmer to the hose connection in the front of the pump.
2. Vacuum hosepipe: Joining the upper connection of the pump to the hose connection
designated "PUMP" on the valve.
3. Return hosepipe: Joining the valve connection designated "RETURN" to the inlet connector of
the pool.
4. Wastewater hosepipe: Joining "BACKWASH" to a hosepipe directed to a water drain.
Secure all the connections with metal clips.
Fig 9
Starting up & Backwash procedure
The pool must be full of water up to the mid hight of the skimmer. The water must circulate to the
pump. (Be sure that the tank is placed under the water surface, so the water can flow naturally in
the hose towards the pump.)
Now purge the air from the filter system. If some exists, open slightly the top of the pre-filter of the
pump until the water enters the pre-filter.
The filter system must no be used without water.
The water ensures the cooling. The substitution guarantee does not apply in the case
of use without water.
MV-1042-03-2022 . © Alle rettigheder forbeholdes Swim & Fun A/S