7. Small sand guard filters
8. Drain valve
9. Spignot
10. Supporting base
11. Tube - hose pipe
Filter parts installation
Insert the tube with the manifold in the tank (fig.1) and screw the small sand guard filters to the
manifold (fig.2).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Place the completed manifold on the foundation in the middle of the tank and fill halfway with
water to stabilize it. Make sure that the star-shaped gauze is well centralized in the bottom of the
filter and that the purge screw is tight.
Fill the tank with filtermaterial (see volume under section 1).
If you use sand: To prevent sand from getting into the manifold during filling, and make sure that
the tube is centered on the manifold, place the spigot (part no. 9) on the mouth of the container as
shown in fig. 3 & 4.
MV-1042-03-2022 . © Alle rettigheder forbeholdes Swim & Fun A/S