When the pause function is on, the Baby Alarm works as follows: When a "child crying" alarm has been
sent out, there is then a four minute pause before another alarm is sent out. This provides an opportu-
nity to attend to the child before another alarm is activated.
Switching on pause: Set microswitch 3 to Off (see below). The red LED flashes every four seconds to
show that the Baby Alarm is set at pause.
When the Baby Alarm is set at pause, the pause period can be changed if desired. The pause period can
be set to 4 (pre-set), 15 or 30 minutes. Press the On/Off button the required number of times as
indicated below.
Switching off pause: Set microswitch 3 to ON (see below). Flashing stops after 4, 15 or 30 minutes,
depending on pause setting when last switched off.
Changing the alarm symbol and the channel setting
8-pole microswitch
Channel selector switch
The Baby Alarm is equipped with a transmitter that sends signals wirelessly to the receiver installed in
the Lynx system. The transmitter is located under the blue cover and has an 8-pole microswitch that is
used for two purposes:
Alarm symbol (fire, telephone, door, etc). The alarm symbol on the Baby Alarm is pre-set to Baby
Alarm. NOTE: If Lynx MiniVib is used as a receiver, the alarm symbol on the Baby Alarm
must be changed, see next page.
Channels. There is a total of 16 different channels (0-9, A-F). Transmitters and receivers in the
system must be set to the same channel so that they can communicate. Channel 0 is reserved for a
common fire alarm and should not be used. The Baby Alarm and all receivers in the Lynx system are
all pre-set to channel 9, and then act together without alteration.
All manuals and user guides at
1 press,
flashes twice
1 press,
flashes once
Pause switch On/Off
On (pre-set)=No pause function, Off=Pause function activated
1 press, flashes
three times
Alarm selector switch