E. Test your alarm
Test the detector to ensure proper operation by pressing the test button (= centre front of
detector). The alarm on the detector and all interconnected detectors will sound, including a
notification on your connected phone.
If there is no sound from the tested detector, refer to the "Trouble shooting" section.
If there is no sound from the connected detectors, repeat the interlinking-process as
described in chapter C.
If there is no notification on your connected phone, repeat the connecting-process as
described in Chapter D.
DO NOT test your detector using an open flame. This may damage the detector or ignite
combustible materials and start a structural fire.
DO NOT stand close to the detector when the alarm is sounding. Exposure at close range may
be harmful to your ears.
Test the detector at least once a month.
F. Silence mode
Silence mode should only be used if the source of the alarm is known and safe. Press the test
button (= centre front of detector) to set the silence mode. During silence mode, the red LED light
flashes once every 8 seconds. The detector is automatically reset after 10 minutes.
Before using the silence mode, identify the source of the smoke
and be certain a safe condition exists.
G. Mount the detector
Determine correct mounting location
Check figure 3, 4 and 5 for correct mounting locations. Most
EU countries require smoke detectors on all floors and escape
Smoke spreads horizontally after rising to the ceiling, so install
the detector in middle of the ceiling.
If the length of the room or the hall is beyond 10 meters, you
need to install multiple alarms.
Figure 3: Recommended
mounting locations