Spare parts and accessories supply (fast convenient supply)
You can obtain spare parts and accessories for your Coolfixx/Advance unit from your local dealer. And
at our website
you will find further information on individual accessory products as well as information on obtaining
our spare parts quickly and conveniently. You will also find other information (e.g. FAQ, lists of spare
parts, document download, etc) on your Coolfixx/Advance unit.
Name EAN
Air-Block Klima-Sail 450 XXL
Drainage-Kit 16/17d
Remote Control IPU21 HE
ERP regulation
This high-quality single-channel portable air conditioning unit is in accordance with the rules and regulations of
the European Union, in particular the new ERP Regulation 626/2011 to a "local air conditioner."
(CE) N 842/2006: This local air conditioner contains the refrigerant R290. The amount of refrigerant is less than
1kg, and is in a closed cooling circuit. The coolant does have zero ozone depletion potential, but is a so-called
greenhouse gases under the Kyoto Protocol and may thus contribute to global warming, if it is released to the
atmosphere. Therefore, only trained technicians with refrigerant certificate make a filling or emptying. Your local
Suntec air conditioner does not have to use if used properly and undamaged coolant circuit can be refilled with
Coolfixx/Advance 12000 BTU App: R290, GWP: 3, 195g = 0,000585t CO2e
Coolfixx/Advance 14000 BTU App: R290, GWP: 3, 195g = 0,000585t CO2e
Sail which can be
used for all types of
windows and doors.
As for an external fly
screen, it is fixed with
Velcro and operated
via a zip. The window
or door can be closed
at any time.
A World First with
which you can air-
every corner of your
house, and it doesn't
local air conditioner
is located. You can
extend the extract air
hose by 5 meters via
a special propeller.
Drainage hose
4 rubber stoppers
Remote control