The RFID technology used by the trophon2 device and associated products as part of the disinfection
traceability system.
Cable clamp
Mechanism at the top of the trophon chamber to grip and hold the probe cable during HLD.
The disinfectant product container that is inserted into the trophon2 device.
Chemical Indicator
A consumable that detects and indicates the correct concentration of disinfectant during a cycle to
ensure HLD.
The consumable liquid in cartridge used by the trophon2 device responsible for HLD.
Cable Seal
A sealing mechanism at the top of the trophon2 chamber (below the cable clamp) to prevent disinfectant
leaking from the chamber.
High Level Disinfection (HLD)
A process that inactivates all microbial pathogens, except large numbers of bacterial endospores.
Instruction for Use (IFU)
Instruction guide for recommended use of the product.
Integrated Probe Positioner (IPP)
Mechanism inside the trophon2 chamber to assist with the correct positioning of probes during HLD.
Minimum Effective Concentration (MEC)
The minimum concentration of the disinfectant required for HLD.
Purge Cycle
The process of removing all disinfectant from the trophon2 system.
Radio Frequency Identification
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
An outline of the potential health risks posed by a hazardous chemical and the safe working procedures
required to mitigate those risks.
User Interface (UI)
The human controlled interaction with software or machine.
Compatible Ultrasound Probes List
A list of probes that have been tested and approved for use in the trophon2 device by Nanosonics, in
conjunction with the probe Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
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