I/O ports 1-8 and 9-16
Start signal delay
I/O protocol
Save signal
I/O Profile
For more information, please see the separate manual.
Definition of port functions. 2 signs show the current setting for each port.
First sign:
I = Port operates as Input.
O = Port operates as Output.
N = Port has no function (not defined).
These settings cannot be modified.
Second sign:
+ = Active signal level is 'high' (1).
- = Active signal level is 'low' (0).
x = Port is deactivated.
& = Function is executed at each change of the signal level.
s = Status can be enquired/influenced by interface.
s =
The internal function of printing system is deactivated.
The modification of the signal level is only taken into consideration for the operating modes I/O
static, I/O dynamic, I/O static continuous and I/O dynamic continuous.
Indication of debounce time of the dispenser input.
Value range: 0 ... 100 ms.
Indication in time per second of the delay for the start signal.
Value range: 0.00 ... 9.99.
Indication of interface at which the modifications of input signals and output signals (I/O) are
On: The start signal for the next label can already be released during printing the current label.
The signal is registered from the printing system. The printing system starts printing the next
label immediately after finishing the current one. Therefore time can be saved and performance
be increased.
Off: The start signal for the next label can only be released if the current label is printed to the
end and the printing system is again in 'waiting' state (output 'ready' set). If the start signal was
released already before, so this is ignored.
Selection of the existing configuration Std_Label, StdFileSelLabel or APL. The appropriate
assignment is indicated in the operating manual.