- loosen the table support lock handle K and turn the
crank handle U until the table X is at the desired height
- tighten the lock handle before drilling
2. To rotate the table:
- loosen the table support lock handle K and rotate the
table U around the column to the desired position
- tighten the lock handle K before drilling
3. To tilt the table: h
The table support has a predrilled hole with a locking pin
BE inserted for locking the table into a predrilled 0° bevel
- tighten the nut on the locking pin BE to release the pin
from the table support. This pin will be needed when
placing the table back to its 0 degree setting from the
table support.
- loosen the bevel lock bolt AU
! to prevent injury, be sure to hold the table X and
table arm assembly, so it will not swivel or tilt.
- tilt the table, aligning the desired angle measurement
to the zero line opposite the scale L
- tighten the bevel lock bolt AU
- to return the table to its original position, loosen
the bevel lock bolt AU. Return the table X to the 0°
- return nut on locking pin to the outside end of threads.
Gently tap locking pin until it is seated in the mating
hole of the table bracket. Hand tighten nut.
Installing drill bits j
- place the chuck key M into the side keyhole of the
chuck G, meshing the gear teeth AV
- turn the chuck key M to open the chuck jaws AW
- insert a drill bit into the chuck G far enough to obtain
maximum gripping of the chuck jaws AW
- center the drill bit in the chuck jaws AW before final
tightening of the chuck G
- use the chuck key M for the final tightening to make
sure the drill bit will not slip while drilling
! To reduce the risk of injury, only use the chuck key
M provided with this bench drill or a duplicate of
it. This chuck key M is self-ejecting and will "pop"
out of the chuck G when you let go. This action is
designed to help prevent throwing of the chuck
key M from the chuck G when power is turned
"ON". Store the chuck key M in the key storage
slot AX next to the feed hub when not in use. k Do
not use any other key as a substitute; order a new
one if damaged or lost.
! to reduce the risk of injury, make sure the chuck
key M is removed from the chuck G before starting
any drilling operation
LED work light z
- switch on/off LED work light J by pressing switch E
Laser lines
- switch on/off laser lines by pressing switch F z
To check/adjust the alignment of the laser lines l:
- mark an "X" on a piece of scrap wood
- insert a small drill bit into the chuck G and align its tip
to the intersection of the lines of the "X"
- secure the board to the table
- turn on the laser switch F and verify the laser lines
align with the "X" on the scrap wood
- if the laser lines do not align, they need to be adjusted:
1. remove the housing set screws AY on each of the
laser housings B
2. loosen the laser set screws BA on both sides
3. rotate the laser adjustment knobs AZ until the two
lines intersect where the drill meets the scrap wood.
DO NOT stare directly at the laser lines.
4. tighten the laser set screws
5. re-attach the housings and re-tighten the set screws
ON/OFF switch z
- press the ON button to turn the bench drill on
- press the OFF button to turn the bench drill off
! in case of current interruption or when the plug is
accidentally pulled out, the tool will not restart on
its own
Positioning the table and workpiece BB x
- lock the table X to the column at a position so the tip of
the drill bit is just above the top of the workpiece BB
- always place a backup material (scrap wood) on the
table X beneath the workpiece BB. This will prevent
splintering or heavy burring on the underside of the
workpiece BB. To keep the backup material from
spinning, it must be positioned against the left side of
the column.
! to prevent the workpiece BB or backup material
from being thrown while drilling, you MUST
position the workpiece BB against the left side
of the column. If the workpiece BB or the backup
material is not long enough to reach the column,
clamp them to the table X to brace the workpiece
BB. Failure to secure the workpiece BB could
result in personal injury.
- use appropriate means of support for overhanging
workpiece BB
! to reduce the risk of injury, make sure the chuck
key M is removed from the chuck G before starting
any drilling operation
Drilling to a specific depth
Drilling a blind hole (not all the way through workpiece) to
a given depth can be done two ways:
1. Workpiece method
- mark the desired depth of the hole on the side of the
workpiece BB v
- with the ON/OFF switch D OFF, bring the drill bit down
until the tip is even with the mark
- hold the feed handles T at this position
- rotate the depth stop nut AA until it meets the depth
stop ring AB.c Then release the handle T.
- keep the stop nut AA stationary, lower the depth lock
nut Z to lock the stop nut AA.c The chuck G and the
drill bit will now be stopped at the distance selected on
the depth scale Y.
2. Depth scale method
- with the ON/OFF switch D OFF, turn the feed handles
T until the drill bit tip slightly touches the top of the
workpiece BB c
- hold the feed handles T in that position
- rotate the depth stop nut AA until it meets the depth
stop ring AB.c Then release the handle T.
- keep the stop nut AA stationary, lower the depth lock
nut Z to lock the stop nut AA.c The chuck G and
drill bit will now drill into the workpiece BB only to the
distance selected on the depth scale Y.
3. Drilling a hole
- using a centre punch or a sharp nail, make an