5.3 Calibration reminder
Set a calibration reminder for the regular review of the cell constants: (<SEt PArA>: C.int).
The time interval chosen depends on the use and stability of the electrode. As soon as the
interval expires, >CAL< flashes in the display as a reminder.
5.4 Calibration data memory
The last 16 calibrations (with information on the measurement result and date) are stored in
the instrument. Stored calibration data can be read both with the PC software GSOFT3050
or in the <rEAd CAL> menu (see Chapter 4.3).
5.5 Conductivity measurement
Before measurement, you should familiarise yourself with some of the instrument settings in
the configuration menu. Pay particular attention to the following settings options:
Selection of the temperature
Selection of the reference
temperature of the temperature
Selection of the type of
temperature compensation
NTC = Electrode LC 12 and LC 10
Pt = Electrode LC 16
oFF = none
nLF = non-linear compensation
Lin = linear compensation
NaCl = compensation of weak NaCl solutions
(e.g. for ultrapure water)
Rinse the electrode with distilled or deionised water and
then with the sample.
Immerse the measuring cell in the sample. During mea-
surement, ensure that there are no air bubbles on the
electrode surface and that the electrode, as well as the
temperature sensor, are sufficiently surrounded by the
The measurement value can now be read off from the
display. The <Mode> button allows you to select between
the parameters Conductivity, TDS, Salinity or Resistance.
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