Note: The fi xing screws may only be tightened
to a point where they do not distort or deform the
base plate. Excessive tension can lead to fracture.
5.3 Hinged chip guard (Fig. 4)
Unscrew the three screws (21). Push the transpa-
rent cover (23) into the groove of the red moun-
ting frame (24) and fasten it again with the screws
The height of the cover (23) is infi nitely adjustable
and can be locked using both thumb screws (22).
The chip guard (13) can be fl ipped upwards to
change drill bits, however ensure that the chip
guard (13) is back in its initial position before rest-
arting the equipment.
5.4 Prior to using the machine for the fi rst
Ensure that the voltage of the mains supply com-
plies with the specifi cations on the rating plate.
Connect the equipment only to a socket with the
properly installed earthing contact. The drill is
equipped with a no-volt trip that is designed to
protect the operator from an undesired restart fol-
lowing a drop in voltage. Should this happen, the
equipment must be physically restarted.
6. Operation
6.1 General (Fig. 2)
To switch on the equipment, push in the green
On button "I" (18); the drill starts up. To switch off ,
press the red Off button "O" (19); the drill shuts
down. Ensure that you do not overload the equip-
If the sound of the motor drops in pitch during
operation, it is being overloaded.
Do not overload the equipment to the point where
the motor comes to a standstill.
6.2 Fitting tools to the drill chuck (Fig. 1)
Make sure that the power plug is removed from
the socket-outlet before changing tools. Only cy-
lindrical tools with the stipulated maximum shaft
diameter may be clamped in the drill chuck (10).
Only use a tool that is sharp and free of defects.
Do not use tools whose shaft is damaged or
which are deformed or fl awed in any other way.
Use only accessories and attachments that are
specifi ed in the operating instructions or have
been approved by the manufacturer.
6.3 Using the quick-change drill chuck
Your drill is equipped with a gear-toothed drill
chuck (10). In order to insert a drill bit, fl ip up the
chip guard (13), insert the drill bit, then tighten
down the drill chuck using the supplied chuck key.
Pull out the chuck key. Ensure that the clamped
tool is fi rmly seated.
Danger! Do not leave the chuck key in the clamp
hole. Doing so will cause the chuck key to be ca-
tapulted out, which could cause injury.
6.4 Setting the speed (Fig. 1/6/7)
First switch the equipment off , then pull the power
The various spindle speeds can be set by moving
the V-belt.
Proceed as follows:
Remove the screw (16) in order to open the
V-belt cover (7).
Slacken the tightening screw (15) and push
the motor (8) in the direction of the machine
Move the V-belt to the desired position.
Refer to table (Fig. 6) for the recommended
Tighten the V-belt by pushing the motor (8)
away from the drill head (6). Screw the tighte-
ning screw (16) back down again. The tension
is properly set when the V-belt flexes in the
middle by approx. 1 cm when pressed.
Close the V-belt cover and screw down using
the screw (16). The V-belt cover (7) must
always be locked tight, as the equipment is
equipped with a safety switch that only allows
the equipment to be turned when the V-belt
cover (7) is closed.
Danger! Never let the pillar drill run when the V-
belt cover is open. Always pull power plug before
opening the cover. Never touch the V-belt when it
is rotating.
6.4.1 Drill depth stop (Fig. 8)
The drill depth can be set exactly by means of the
depth stop (14) and a scale (a) on the front side
of the machine head. The equipment must be
switched off in order to set the depth stop.
Insert the required bit (6.2) and turn the set-
ting screws up.
Using the handle, move the bit so that its tip
just touches the surface of the workpiece and
read the value indicated on the scale.
Remove the workpiece.
Add the required drill depth to the value you
read off the scale and use the handle to lower
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